Mormons-What's the deal with this group?

have you even studied the bible... or any religion? or do you just believe in every piece of propaganda on tv?

the old testament encourages more stoning then any other religious book. and there is. othing wrong with it. it was the law of the land

stoning was a an act of punishment that was used across the known world. non believers such as early romans, jews, christians and muslims... it is still practiced in some parts of the world that still practice religious laws while others have traded in the religious laws and made their own laws like allowing gay marriages, legalizing prostitution

try this for starters...

I think you mean that there was nothing wrong with it then .....there's plenty wrong with it now though, just like nearly everything that seemed like a good idea to the religious at the time.
IMO Religious laws are very primitive, out of date, and mostly unfair.

As much as I am religious, I refuse to live under anything but a secular law, where all are equal before the law.
I'm probably wrong, but I thought Christians weren't supposed to stone. That whole Jesus Christ saying "he who is without sin cast the first stone" kinda set the bar, no? Christians are supposed to be Christ like, thus emulate the example of Jesus. Old Testament is not Christianity. It is the history that leads up to it.

But I could be wrong, and most people who call themselves by any religion usually are.
I'm probably wrong, but I thought Christians weren't supposed to stone. That whole Jesus Christ saying "he who is without sin cast the first stone" kinda set the bar, no? Christians are supposed to be Christ like, thus emulate the example of Jesus. Old Testament is not Christianity. It is the history that leads up to it.

But I could be wrong, and most people who call themselves by any religion usually are.

The problem is not with one book, the problem is what people choose to do with such books. Many look at Christianity as the roman catholic church which in my opinion doesn't do justice to the millions other Christians who did not partake in one specific culture. Same with many religions which then paints the rest with a broad brush.

In every religion there are absolute and there are relative concepts. The problem comes when some try to enforce what is considered absolute on the masses which tends to end up in a disaster. For example, if you like to fast, pray, not drink, and not commit adultery, That's fine, but when you try to forcefully subject others to what you think is right and start setting punishments that is the problem.

Therefore the argument that a book encourages to stone or not, IMO is not valid. It is a book, It is a matter of perspective, and while certain laws served their purposes at a time few thousand years ago that doesn't mean it is valid today, hence the civil secular law is the best in my opinion.
The other problem is that language evolve and words have different meaning at different times i.e. he is a stoner. Back then they might think a person that chucks rocks, today it's a pot head and not a rock chucker.
The other problem is that language evolve and words have different meaning at different times i.e. he is a stoner. Back then they might think a person that chucks rocks, today it's a pot head and not a rock chucker.

+10000 I wonder how much of the book is misinterpreted.

I am ok with debating religion provided all parties involved are open minded. As soon as one person says 'no its this way' the conversation starts getting heated.

I did a bike trip to Virginia Beach back in April, stopped at a large gas station in Pennsylvania and learned a bit about Amish people. A whole family came out of the store, kids loaded down with junk food and pop, they all piled in to this fairly new large truck and took off. Thought Amish people had forsaken modern technology?
+10000 I wonder how much of the book is misinterpreted.

I am ok with debating religion provided all parties involved are open minded. As soon as one person says 'no its this way' the conversation starts getting heated.

I did a bike trip to Virginia Beach back in April, stopped at a large gas station in Pennsylvania and learned a bit about Amish people. A whole family came out of the store, kids loaded down with junk food and pop, they all piled in to this fairly new large truck and took off. Thought Amish people had forsaken modern technology?

Maybe they were Mennonites?
Maybe they were Mennonites?

I'm sitting in Amish country (Ohio) now. The Amish are actually the new splinter group but they split off because the Mennonites were getting too liberal. Both groups have different orders with different sets of values from liberal to conservative.

The funny thing I noticed riding around here is that they wave to bikers. Cool.

Lots of misunderstandings. They do use electricity but will not be dependent on an earthly power so won't connect to the grid. Instead they have generators.
I'm sitting in Amish country (Ohio) now. The Amish are actually the new splinter group but they split off because the Mennonites were getting too liberal. Both groups have different orders with different sets of values from liberal to conservative.

The funny thing I noticed riding around here is that they wave to bikers. Cool.

Lots of misunderstandings. They do use electricity but will not be dependent on an earthly power so won't connect to the grid. Instead they have generators.

Thinking that no Amish use cars is like thinking that no Catholics use birth control. There are ranges of adherence and differences in interpretation, in any religion. When it comes to the Amish those who use technological things, like cars, will tend toward using ones that are rather simple and unadorned. A plain black Focus, for instance, rather than a red Navigator with spinners.

It's similar to the difference in interpretation of The Quran that results in some Muslim women wearing relatively plain clothes and little or no jewellery, while others completely cover their faces and hair.
Maybe they were Mennonites?

amish family.jpg

Honestly I don't know the difference. They looked like the pic but instead of white they wore bright colours.

I'm sitting in Amish country (Ohio) now. The Amish are actually the new splinter group but they split off because the Mennonites were getting too liberal. Both groups have different orders with different sets of values from liberal to conservative.

Lots of misunderstandings. They do use electricity but will not be dependent on an earthly power so won't connect to the grid. Instead they have generators.

Learn something every day. I know practically nothing about either religions. Just thought they only drove carriages so I was surprised. But I've got an open mind. Part of why I love travelling and riding to new places. You learn new stuff.

Thinking that no Amish use cars is like thinking that no Catholics use birth control. There are ranges of adherence and differences in interpretation, in any religion. When it comes to the Amish those who use technological things, like cars, will tend toward using ones that are rather simple and unadorned. A plain black Focus, for instance, rather than a red Navigator with spinners.

It's similar to the difference in interpretation of The Quran that results in some Muslim women wearing relatively plain clothes and little or no jewellery, while others completely cover their faces and hair.

100% agreed I just thought it was a point that they were strict on the no modern technology. Is there one of the different religions that is that way? No electricity at all?
100% agreed I just thought it was a point that they were strict on the no modern technology. Is there one of the different religions that is that way? No electricity at all?

The Amish were a splinter group from the larger Mennonite church, who tend to be more strict in their views. Some sub-sects are more conservative than others.
Mormons are like any other religious seckts or people, completely retarded.

This is my signature
Anabaptists, Mennonites, Hutterites...... Can you really keep these related groups straight? Obviously I can't :lol:

The Hutterites live in communes while the Amish and Mennonites are capitalistic. The Hutterites in MB are very progressive with machinery but have trouble attracting adherents. Not surprising when one never owns anything.
Work for modern mennonites in a printing shop. Fully modernized. They drive SUV's, wear whatever and are just like 99% of the population, but have mennonite beliefs.
Mennonite customers of ours range from hard core old order -- the kind that still use horse and buggies, no electricity, no running water, have out houses etc etc to the "Dave Martin" sect - who believe they can use modern technology in business (several have fully up to date shops with plasma cutters, cad systems, air conditioning, computers etc, but, literally, walk across the yard to their homes, they've got it set up like the old orders)....

Still get a kick out of calling/receiving a call from them on their cell phones hearing the clip-clip of the horse pulling their buggy...
Work for modern mennonites in a printing shop. Fully modernized. They drive SUV's, wear whatever and are just like 99% of the population, but have mennonite beliefs.
Mennonite customers of ours range from hard core old order -- the kind that still use horse and buggies, no electricity, no running water, have out houses etc etc to the "Dave Martin" sect - who believe they can use modern technology in business (several have fully up to date shops with plasma cutters, cad systems, air conditioning, computers etc, but, literally, walk across the yard to their homes, they've got it set up like the old orders)....

Still get a kick out of calling/receiving a call from them on their cell phones hearing the clip-clip of the horse pulling their buggy...

It seems God is okay when is comes to breaking the rules to make money.
The Hutterites live in communes while the Amish and Mennonites are capitalistic. The Hutterites in MB are very progressive with machinery but have trouble attracting adherents. Not surprising when one never owns anything.

Hutterites generally don't want to attract adherents.
Otherwise, there is a very wide variety of Mennonite, for the "old colony" where you have no uneccesary "niceties", to the one's you wouldnt even recognize on the street, like me.
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