More social media censorship

Maybe. The devil is in the details. I agree, it is probably not good, but the sky may not be falling.
I’m not saying the sky is falling. I’m saying we either have free speech or we don’t.

Currently we have laws in the books which dictate what words we must use. Therefore we are not free to say what we want.
There's so much ******* wasted energy and money put into this imo. People who want to be ******** are going to be ******** with or without rules. If anything, these asinine rules make it even easier.

For example: radical Western feminists. These dumb fucks tend to fight for any minority without enough education on the subject and have gone so far as to make white men hate themselves (never thought there'd be a day where I'm telling a white friend that hating one's own heritage or skin color is a product of racism, but it happened recently.) But they're not doing it via hate speech, they're doing it through coordinated gaslighting.

So what good does censoring language do?

EDIT: Forgot to mention; I think Western society places too much emphasis on words rather than the intended meaning. If I call a friend retarded, the translation is "I respect you a lot, but why did you just do that?" with a bunch of laughter. If I call someone a Karen, the intended translation is "This person is an entitled middle aged piece of **** that needs to get run over by a car because she hasn't gotten laid for years."

Censoring speech does nothing to combat this.
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Parler CEO fired by the board, hopefully they can get back on track

For me its not a big deal. I make a big effort not to watch or read any news, and I feel so much better :)
Avoid social media and the news for 2 weeks, works better than any anti depressant(except maybe motorcycles)
Ignorance is bliss
Till they're demolishing your world to make way for an inter-galactic bypass
Watched 10 min of it. If you don't like what social media platforms do, make you own with your own rules. Just be sure to "be nice" while you use the servers that you don't own.

Thanks for posting. It's important to hear both sides.
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