More Pan Am BS--Kayne West This Time

Puck to the forehead, eh Chief?
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Puck to the forehead, eh Chief?

Not quite, Bernie. Good guess, tho.


I guess popular culture's getting crowded. Thanx for the tune up Stu.
Did you read the article? No Canadian company could fill the order so they went international... What's the problem...

They had eight years to get this ready
The cost to purchase those 10x10 medieval festival style tents is less than the rental cost, shipping them in from france, returning them and the logistics of putting tents on 34? locations. They could have purchased them outright and given them away, other than that no problem.
You know what? This is such BS! One minute no one could give a damn about the pan am games and now people all the sudden give a crap about the closing ceremonies? Let the guy play. I don't listen to the guy or any hip hop , rap, or whatever and I know the guy is a bit of a douche, but let it go. We're hosting for the Americas, he's popular , what's the big deal? Find something worth complaining about.
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