More idiocy in, and around Toronto

I only got half way before getting too frustrated... thus why I avoid driving in Toronto as much as possible.
<== I live in Brampton. I try not to drive around there too much, because I value my life.

Actually the point is that this IS everyday driving and it has gotten so bad, that no one even bats an eye at it anymore.

You've been assimilated! Many Brampton drivers feel exactly the same way. Toronto's streets are filled with them. See the irony?
We could just build a wall, but how do we lure all you Bramptonites home at the same time?
That was hilarious. I noticed some of you video was taken along the gardiner, did you use CGI? Its been years since Ive seen anything actually MOVE along that highway!
I thought it was Bramptonians... whatever. I work at the airport and live in the northwest tip of Brampton. Needless to say, while the drivers in this city are generally bad, Brampton or Markham are truly the worst areas in the GTA whether it's in the cage or on the bike. I like to think of Brampton as a donut, there is nothing in the middle I want, so I stick to the outside ;)
You've been assimilated! Many Brampton drivers feel exactly the same way. Toronto's streets are filled with them. See the irony?
We could just build a wall, but how do we lure all you Bramptonites home at the same time?

I haven't been assimilated. I've lived there for 40 years, this September. Quite the contrary. My natural habitat has been taken over by an invasive species; the idiot driver.

I could likely do an entire video of just what I see on Hwy410, between 401 and Queen.

That was hilarious. I noticed some of you video was taken along the gardiner, did you use CGI? Its been years since Ive seen anything actually MOVE along that highway!

Sometimes you just need to bump things by 5x speed, to see movement that isn't apparent to the naked eye :lol:
i wonder if mr ragu is watching this going "damn, i got this all wrong, i should be the one with the camera on the dash and drive through toronto, $$$ $$$ $$$!!!!"

if you ever wanted to write off your POS car and claim some nice "rehab" money, put cam on dash and go for a drive in toronto, only take you 5 minutes to get someone caught "at fault"

now, as for the video, amusing as it is, and i love the part with the handi folk on the road, it is sad that this is no only downtown where this happens but in a lot of suburbs too...i've just gotten so use it that i watch the video going "yup, that guys gonna do this in 3...2...1" and i'm usually right...
Taxi's, Tow Trucks and Minivan's .... oh my.. and nothing new and usually hate them in that order in Toronto and the GTA.
God I love not commuting to Toronto.

Why? It increases your survival skills, i can't wait to go to work Monday riding to the downtown core and navigating through the scum of drivers license holders. I realized that I don't like to ride uptown or the country side as much as urban riding. Riding downtown keeps you alert and constantly thinking about riding, forcing you to get better. It is full of benefits for new and old riders alike.

For those who wish to ride in other countries or tour the world, do you really think that the roads and the drivers abroad are any better? in observing the traffic regulations or even have regulations in the first place? If you want some survival training come down to the core.
Cue the Benny Hill theme song.Man am i glad i live in Waterloo!
Looked like standard, everyday traffic to me.
during your G driving test dont they test you on how far down the 401 exit lane you can drive before you cut back in to continue on the 401.
edit: ps love the music :)
Why? It increases your survival skills, i can't wait to go to work Monday riding to the downtown core and navigating through the scum of drivers license holders. I realized that I don't like to ride uptown or the country side as much as urban riding. Riding downtown keeps you alert and constantly thinking about riding, forcing you to get better. It is full of benefits for new and old riders alike.

For those who wish to ride in other countries or tour the world, do you really think that the roads and the drivers abroad are any better? in observing the traffic regulations or even have regulations in the first place? If you want some survival training come down to the core.
I never have problems when I have to go downtown. I enjoy it when I do have to go, it's like no holds barred down there. However, It would drive me nuts to sit in that **** every day. It takes me 15 mins to get to work everyday, I never hit traffic. It's bliss.
I never have problems when I have to go downtown. I enjoy it when I do have to go, it's like no holds barred down there. However, It would drive me nuts to sit in that **** every day. It takes me 15 mins to get to work everyday, I never hit traffic. It's bliss.

Exactly. It's like you copied and pasted my thoughts.
I haven't been assimilated. I've lived there for 40 years, this September. Quite the contrary. My natural habitat has been taken over by an invasive species; the idiot driver.

I could likely do an entire video of just what I see on Hwy410, between 401 and Queen.

Sometimes you just need to bump things by 5x speed, to see movement that isn't apparent to the naked eye :lol:

Watch the video again, this time look for your impatience in driving.

You HAVE been assimilated.

Not that I am any better, in fact, much worse.

But my excuse is that I lived AND worked in the downtown.
Not that it is one.
Watch the video again, this time look for your impatience in driving.

You HAVE been assimilated.

Not that I am any better, in fact, much worse.

But my excuse is that I lived AND worked in the downtown.
Not that it is one.

Watch the video again and look at the times I'm patiently waiting my turn, while others do illegal things to advance.
Idiot this morning weaving and cutting off. Runs up to near the front of the left turn lane and intimidates his way in. Makes a double left on the inside of the car ahead.
I think it was a he but couldn't be sure because of the helmet.
And people wonder why some condos don't like motorcycles.
Watch the video again and look at the times I'm patiently waiting my turn, while others do illegal things to advance.

There were some of each. Sometimes you waited patiently, sometimes you barged on. Are you moving from barging to waiting or waiting to barging?
There were some of each. Sometimes you waited patiently, sometimes you barged on. Are you moving from barging to waiting or waiting to barging?

Sounds a lot like, "Are you still beating your wife?" I'm not doing either. I'm going when the way is clear and I have right-of-way, and waiting patiently when I don't.
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