money to burn?

They will never make another air-cooled model again.

So I was wrong, a couple of years ago, the Porsche factory recreated the 1998 993 Turbo from an unused shell that was sitting in the warehouse. Then they put it up for auction.

Someone paid $3.4M USD for it.

This car fails almost every single criteria for a money laundering scheme. It was purchased directly from the factory, the buyer was not anonymous, paid VAT, it is not small enough to be hidden or smuggled...
I don’t want a race bike anymore, I think I need to burn money on a small plane.

Trying to convince my wife that planes are safer than motorcycles - need help!
My friend bought a 182 two years ago. It has been great. Lots of time in the air and appreciated quickly. He couldn't afford to buy it now. Holds four people and basically everything they want to carry with no capacity issues. Has wheels, skis and floats for it. Hasn't regretted it for a minute.

During covid, he got in quite a few flights to YTO and low flybys authorized at YYZ.

The further you fly, the safer it is statistically. Little planes have issues close to the ground. Buzz over to montreal for the weekend and you are there in ~two hours. Weekend of skiing at Tremblant, no problem.

Operating costs can put a hurting on cashflow. Does work want to pay you to visit distant client sites? The 182 is a bit over $100 an hour. I'd have to check with him to see where the number is settling out.
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