Monday Meet Up for Ice Cream, Dessert, and Sweets!

Re: Monday Sept 28th: Meet Up for Ice Cream, Dessert, and Sweets!

I was there to use my :occasion7:FREE SCOOP!!!:occasion7: coupon and enjoy in peace. :laughing8:

are things not peaceful when wobbly is in the house? :D
I broke down and walked 2 mins to the nearby italian bakery and bought some pastries. Need those sweets .
Re: Monday, Aug 24: Ice cream and treats Mondays... La Paloma location leading in vot

Will there be a Ice cream or Hot chocolate meet today?
Well I might be out on 2 today......
So if anything is going on then let me know too!!!:laughing8:
you desperate souls grasping on the last bits of summer with cold fingers wrapped around frozen dairy products huddled in front of sidewalk gratings downtown...

I'm in!:D

I'm up for ice cream tonight! Haven't ridden in almost a month...just changed the oil on my baby so she's eager to go!!

Coldstone Creamery on the Danforth (or coffee/hot cocoa for the chickens) or Hollywood Gelato on Bayview maybe?
Re: Monday, October 5th: Meet Up for Ice Cream, Dessert, and Sweets!

Monday, October 5th: Meet Up for Ice Cream, Dessert, and Sweets!

Coldstone Creamery on the Danforth (located in Tim Horton's store)

Meeting Time: 7:30 or earlier if people want?

This is a good location as it provides a everyone a choice from ice cream and hot or cold beverages.

This will not be the last of the Ice Cream, Dessert, and Sweets meets! :)

See everyone there.
Monday, Oct 5: Meet Up for Ice Cream, Dessert, and Sweets!

Monday, Oct 5: Meet Up for Ice Cream, Dessert, and Sweets!

Place your votes NOW!!

Coldstone Creamery/Timmies (Danforth): 2
Carole's Cheese Cake/Lettieri (Yorkville): 2

Well if people show up... they can SEE my m/c chain is NOT BLACK!!! :rolleyes:
Monday, Oct 5: Meet Up for Ice Cream, Dessert, and Sweets!
Place your votes NOW!!
Coldstone Creamery/Timmies (Danforth): 2
Carole's Cheese Cake/Lettieri (Yorkville): 2
Well if people show up... they can SEE my m/c chain is NOT BLACK!!! :rolleyes:

Ha ha Joe.. you got embarrassed the other night eh? Looks like Lynz's new mechanic is doing a good job!

Dude, this is too close to home. It's gonna consist of me riding around the block a few times. LAME. :(

Kneedraggin in Yorkville? how can that not be fun??lol
Dude, this is too close to home. It's gonna consist of me riding around the block a few times. LAME. :(

Hmm... We can all do a ride after. 404... L&L??? What do you think?

LD and Goldie, can you help me here? Thx!

Ha ha Joe.. you got embarrassed the other night eh? Looks like Lynz's new mechanic is doing a good job!

LOL! You're absoultely right the mechanic is doing a great job. Embarrassed? Never. :)
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Me so confused - Joel please post a final location or 2 locations we can do ice cream in one spot than ride to another spot for warm beverages??? let me know
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