Monday Meet Up for Ice Cream, Dessert, and Sweets! 2.0

Don't think I'll be making it tonight after all, still gotta eat some dinner plus weather looks iffy for the next few hours anyway. If anything I'll post up if I'm heading out later on -- have fun guys!

Pretty good turn out:)
Man, I love that place and I missed it. I'll be in for next Monday even if it's a bit cold.
It was a nice turn out & the weather was great!
A few of us stayed all the way pass closing time!
Even got to see Aliki's track bike (the ultimate posing bike) LoL! :cool:

Yahoo!! it's Friday. Any suggestions for ice cream places on Monday?
Yahoo!! it's Friday. Any suggestions for ice cream places on Monday?
If it's not raining...
Okay posting this now so if anyone is interested in joining, you will have almost a week to book it off!

Monday Sept. 19th, 2011.

We are going to Buffalo for The Cheesecake Factory!!!
Time, Meeting Spot & Route is in the process of being made.
Scenic side roads to Falls & Border, time to Shop at Walden Galleria & eat at Cheesecake Factory!

Plz post up if ur interested in joining us & make sure you have your passport!
Ride Cancelled!!!
Date: Monday Sept. 19th, 2011.

Destination: Cheesecake Factory in Walden Galleria, Buffalo!

Meet: 403 & Dundas for 11am

Requirements: Passport, M2 & appetite!
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Man, I'd love to hit up the cheesecake Factory, wasn't able to book off work for this week :(
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