Modern VW owners and the sense of entitlement?

Yeah I always see GTIs in my mirror acting stupid. I drive a cheap Ford, but for the record, I drive fast and have zero tolerance for poor road etiquette such as left lane bandits and I will flash or honk if drivers/riders are being selfish or inattentive. Ontario drivers are getting worse I'm afraid.
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Yeah there are others, of course, but man there are just certain cars you see again and again being twats. VW drivers aren't that bad as a whole really, but they do stand out, every GTI owner thinks they drive a race car. Regarding, the 'hemi' group, I don't find them that bad on the road, maybe because I just move out of the way lol

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My gti is a race car. :dontknow:
Especially compared to a slow domestic lol. I find the hemi clowns the absolute worst of the bunch.
Aren't GTIs fwd? I'm a VW fan but I still wouldn't call a GTI a race car.
Aren't GTIs fwd? I'm a VW fan but I still wouldn't call a GTI a race car.
Yes they're front wheel drive and I was being a smartass. It is quick however even stock. When the day comes I get mine finished and bring it back out its now a vrt. A touch more power than the avg car.

I still don't drive like a dbag on the road with it. I know what it is and how quick it is and that's enough for me. You know... unless the typical fartcan civic comes near...
OK, I don't like to generalize but I can't help but notice that there seems to be be a common element (douchebaggery) in modern VW owners when it comes to road manners.

I do about 50K KM per year with my work, see much of Ontario and there is an undeniable sense of entitlement (flash to pass from behind, lane weaving, texting) amongst modern VW owners.

Am I missing another common element? Is it that they really are hipsters and I'm mislead and only seeing them as VW owners? I really don't want VW's to be the root cause, I've often thought a VW wagon would be a good second car for the family and don't want to eliminate them as a possibility.

Modern VW riders? Man, Volkswagen Jetta drivers are famous throughout history for driving like jerks. Fancy themselves some kind of superior Goggles Paisano expert road racers. Seen a couple wreck their cars demonstrating their skills. Between them and the pickup trucks I don't know who is worse.
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