Mississauga Riding Group - 250s Only

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i dont know if its going to be regular thing. well lets see how many 250s are showing up today , please let us know if u r coming for tonight ride...

Would u be able to make it by 7 to Winston Churchill and Eglinton?

That's an hour and 42 minutes one way. That ride might end up being too long. Maybe we can come down Trafalgar or something to cut down the time....

Anyways, I will be there latest by 6:45 today. I'll be in a Black Ninja 250 with a flat black "ROCKET" helmet.
At least I'll see Motorsiklet there. Hope to see more people tonight!!
Yup, confirmed as well for 6:45 latst. Black 250 with flat black helmet too haha.....got a Leo Vince exhaust though, red, white and black scorpion jacket.
ok, its going to be strange, im coming with black 250 with fat black helmet as well, haha we need some colors in this meeting
Great ride everyone! Thanks for coming out, good turn-out tonight!
yeah thanks forcoming out guys, it was a nice one, interesting though many black bikes showed up :)

noobie lesson one : dont stop on up hill when u r 2 up unless u got good muscled leg
noobie lesson two : dont assume all the roads r paved ,it was interesting to see my bike handling on gravel tho

hope to see u guys next week same place same time,
what's the pace like? are you all newbies?

if time-wise is good, i would like to join if that's ok. cruiser. newbie. havent been out in a group.

not too familiar with the area though.
you guys need a little later meet up time even 715 is good,i could almost be orangeville by 700.Comming from newmarket and all
Green ninja here. Had a good time. Where did you guys go after I broke off?
Great ride! Are we keeping this a thursdays thing?

well , we can keep it as regular thursday meeting with short rides, also get together on the weekends whenever we feel like it ...

Green ninja here. Had a good time. Where did you guys go after I broke off?

we went up to Erin and turned back to Sauga from there , im glad everyone got home safe...

what's the pace like? are you all newbies?

if time-wise is good, i would like to join if that's ok. cruiser. newbie. havent been out in a group.

not too familiar with the area though.

mostly newbies , but some of us riding on their 3rd season. pace is fair , not too slow not too fast , usually +20. no racing tho just enjoying the scenery with some twisties...

you guys need a little later meet up time even 715 is good,i could almost be orangeville by 700.Comming from newmarket and all

actually i would prefer meeting earlier , but it seems like 7 would be good time ,no later than 7 though. come with full tank pls btw...:)
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cruising and enjoying the scenery sounds good. any highways? anything for tonight? weekend? also would like to meet neew peeps and fellow bikers.

depending on work schedule i might be able to do 6:45, but the later the better for me and maybe less traffic?

i think my tank is smaller than most 250s haha.
I think we'll be making it into a Thursday night thing. I know Motoskilet was into meeting up on Weekends, but I can't do that very often. I would join once in a while though.

We didn't do any highway yesterday. Some of the guys were thinking of going on the highway on the way back, but I broke off onto a different route. So not sure what direction everyone went in.
hey guys anyone up for the route we were supposed to take on thursday but ended up going to fork of credit. im up for meeting between 12:30 to 1:00pm dundas and dixie timmies leaving at 1:15pm. it will be 5 to 6 hours ride combined with highway and some twisties. if u r not comfy with highway im ok with taking the back roads. let me know asap if u are coming ... i know the route i can lead no problem .

hey guys anyone up for the route we were supposed to take on thursday but ended up going to fork of credit. im up for meeting between 12:30 to 1:00pm dundas and dixie timmies leaving at 1:15pm. it will be 5 to 6 hours ride combined with highway and some twisties. if u r not comfy with highway im ok with taking the back roads. let me know asap if u are coming ... i know the route i can lead no problem .


Sorry bro today is difficult for me to make it. I will be in On Thursday.
Phooey u guys have a blast!
no problem , i will be waiting at dundas and dixie timmies between 12:30 to 1pm and leave at 1:15pm ... if noone shows up i will ride by myself , hopefully someone will show up :)
hey any of u wanna go to fork of credit (highway, and some twisties as well) today , if yes let me know asap, i live in mississauga as well, we can meet at dundas and dixie timmy ,. i know the route , so i can lead no problem.

I have to keep a friend occupied, his gf is planning him a surprise party. So he has to stay toasty till than.

I'll come out next time, we should try hitting up north ontario or the states some time for a quick day trip. We would need to leave early in the morning.

P.S. I have no idea where that quote came from, my phone keeps doing its own thing.
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