Mississauga Riders?

Saturday is looking like a good day to go out. Since there are a few of us from the Square One area, lets get a ride organized. The earlier the better on Saturday but it might be a little cold. I was thinking of a noon time start. If anyone is interested just post it up here and we can get everything settled for certain. Cheers
You guys still heading out? I've got to get a renewal sticker for my plate this AM but hoping to have that done before noon.
I may swing by if I'm still out or around that area at 2; I'm going to head out now and scout out some of the roads in Burlington/Terra Cotta.
Sorry I missed the ride today everyone. Didn't get a chance to get check this out until now. I'm going to be going out some time this week if the weather is good. And maybe we can get a weekly ride happening on Saturdays or something. Pm me I anyone wants to go out this week. Cheers
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