Mississauga, Heartland / Looking for people to ride with in my area!

I may be riding to Montreal tonight! Either tonight or tomorrow. I don't know what will be better as I get past Kingston if I leave tomorrow it will be raining.
Text me asap and we can set something up for tonight, we can just meet at the timmys on Britannia and Terry fox, it will be around 6:00-6:30 if everyones cool with that!

For all that don't know my number is (416) 668 - 4878 :cool:
Good ride guys, little cold at the end. Got caught in some rain on the way back, and went through a washed portion of Derry on my way back, FML! :(
Yeah it was a great success! I caught the rain for like 10 minutes just getting back too.
Rain? I hanged back and did a couple more rounds of the forks after you guys... no sign of this so called rain

Good run, nice seeing you all!
Hey guys, got my m2 now! :) If you guys want to go for a ride just post and we can set something up!
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