Mission Control - We've lost our shifter

I've dealt with this on dirtbikes a lot. Here are a couple of udeas:
1) close the tolerance on the splines with a layre of aluminum tape, the kind they use for furnace duct work (not cloth ducttape). Aluminum foil will work too.
2) Replace the shoulder bolt. The bolts stretch and threads distort, vibration loosens them. A dab of Blue locktite on the new bolt should work.
3) Check the spacing at the pinch opening, the metal can stretch and the tabs can bend. A little clearance is necessary to achieve full clamping force around the shifter shaft. If it's less than 3mm when clamped, use a small file on the unthreaded side to correct clearances.

Rather than wire tying, I use a longer bolt, after torquing the bolt add a stover nut as a keeper. No drilling required.

I replaced the shifter shaft, and the 2 screws going into each shifter. Used some blue loctite on everything and wrapped the shaft at the end with some furnace tin tape, just in case. So far so good, it didn't fall off on yesterdays ride (y)

Thanks all for the tips, help!
Is this bike sorted out now? Anything left on the list?
Is this bike sorted out now? Anything left on the list?
How do you mean? Maintenance? Repairs?
Repairs all completed, shifter is on, clutch is good now.
Maintenance is fully up to date, except 1 item. Which I hope to resolve soon now that stores are open I can go buy the wrench I need.
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