minivan cuts off bike in Windsor (Go-Pro)

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I'm never riding to Windsor again!
Actually, the video was so graphic I don't want to ride anymore.

It was so violent! The middle finger... Oh god, think of the CHILDREN!:crybaby::sad2::sad3:
Screw Minivans, Be careful of this squid doing wheelies down the road (Crossing lanes with no signals just like the first video :confused:).

Regarding thread backfires, there's a saying from my old country (roughly translated) "What wise people are ashamed of, fools are proud of.".

Increasing number of threads like this is a worrying trend, but it's not alarming as long as they all backfire properly :D
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Screw Minivans, Be careful of this squid doing wheelies down the road (Crossing lanes with no signals just like the first video :confused:).


Correction: Not a backfire, this is an f'in BIG BANG!

If he has any sense left, OP should close his GTAM account, delete all his videos from YouTube, take a road safety course, invest in some protective gear and learn how to use a camera. Legally changing his name is optional, but highly recommended.
Re: minivan in London cuts off bike in Windsor (Go-Pro)


OP needs to ride further away from civilization lol
Re: minivan in London cuts off bike in Windsor (Go-Pro)

OMFG was that CLOSE!!!!!! I'm surprised u didn't have to pull over to the side and collect yourself.
Re: minivan in London cuts off bike in Windsor (Go-Pro)

OMFG was that CLOSE!!!!!! I'm surprised u didn't have to pull over to the side and collect yourself.

he was going to but the he wouldn't be sure that the driver would see him give them the finger.....

He pulled over after that....
Re: minivan in London cuts off bike in Windsor (Go-Pro)

lots of space and time to manoeuvre around that fail-change
Re: minivan in London cuts off bike in Windsor (Go-Pro)

Why wouldn't he say something after such a bashing in his own defense?
Re: minivan in London cuts off bike in Windsor (Go-Pro)

Why wouldn't he say something after such a bashing in his own defense?

Couldn't agree more - he's posted plenty of times since this train-wreck started.

Mina - can you give any more info?
Drive around in Quebec... Then try and wine about what happened in this video hahaha this biker would have a conniption & probably smash every other car with spark plugs... :)

- Randy
Re: minivan in London cuts off bike in Windsor (Go-Pro)

OP Rides a 2000 R6... Maybe he likes the attention!?

He drives a 600RR.

Re: minivan in London cuts off bike in Windsor (Go-Pro)
The videos are coming out of Windsor, isn't the OP from Toronto?
Just last month, he was talking about taking apart his R6.
Maybe I'm wrong... doubt it though...

It looks like he was going to take it apart and clean it so that he could sell it.
Not sure but he made a thread with that video about doing wheelies the same day he made this one.

Ironic how he is complaining about a van cutting in front of him and posts a video of himself cutting other people off even closer then the van did to him while doing squid wheelies?
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