Mineral Springs Road wipe out

Never personally been on the road, but if that's it, what a nightmare. Looks like a pretty small road, buncha holes, and worse of all a ton of streets where a car could turn in at anytime. You don't want to be pinning it anywhere around there.

Yeah... I'd rather not ride on "nice roads" where there are driveways before and after the turn where cars may come out... Also....
I led a group ride last summer, one of the riders behind me (he's here on GTAM) went wide on what seems to be the exact same corner and went straight into the beginning of the guardrail. Those roads are great, and can be had a quite a good speed, but only if you know them. I remember telling everybody before hand to ride their own pace and not look at the rider in front, we'll all meet at the next major intersection. That guy didn't listen. He wasn't so new at riding either, just didn't know the place (I think).
I love those roads in there, but you do gotta be careful for sure. I always notice gravel on the road near one of the turns just before the really tight ones, there are horses on the right side as well.

Also cars coming at you, NEVER stay on their side of the road, so im always extra careful. The road is still fun to ride even if you are not doing 100km per hour :P
Originally Posted by Dr.Manhattan

Never personally been on the road, but if that's it, what a nightmare. Looks like a pretty small road, buncha holes, and worse of all a ton of streets where a car could turn in at anytime. You don't want to be pinning it anywhere around there.

^^^^If your riding within your limits then the road is awesome! Don't see too many holes.....or a ton of streets crossing....Does get a bit busy with some guys and their fancy cars out there Sat//Sun afternoon. It's short but fun.

I ride this road every weekend, one of my favorites. Recently I took my new to me Z750 out there and almost got nicked by a car around one of those turns. The road and turns were hella fun on the DRZ-SM, not much suited for the bigger bikes riding fast paced. Besides those two turns the road is great, it's part of my 100km run on the weekends when I'm by myself. Sorry to hear about your riding buddy!

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I always enjoy ripping through there oh sorry no riding responsibly through there but newbies need to know there limits slow down and you will make it out with out tossing your machine.
I don't know what it is (maybe pollen from the trees) but there's always dust on that road that makes it very slick. That combined with all the other hazards make it not noob friendly.
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