Min wage increase

You gotta keep people poor to control them, but if people thing flipping burgers is a $15/hr job they have an extremely inflated view of their worth.
Workers are expendable, especially in today's world/market.

It's degressive... Wages will go down bit by bit.
Even in my public sector, unionized org.... Newer hires earn SIGNIFICANTLY LESS in pay and benefits than we old timers... Once we old guys retire/die off we'll all have been replaced by staff that cost about 35% less.
They've also gone to more and more contract positions. Some day not too long from now there will be no Full Time positions.
Only recently have I got a permanent position
What's that come out to after taxes... maybe 400 a week? I'm not going to check or calculate it exactly.
How much to rent a basement apartment in Brampton or Mississauga? Add in some utilities.
How much should 1 expect to pay for groceries in a week?
dont forget your bus pass to get to work...
And now you're broke.

Yeah probably $400 weekly, sounds about right. You can find a place to live (basement, roommates, whatever) for $500-600 realistically, and most of those times utilities will be included. That should leave about $1100/mo. A single person can eat very well for $400/mo, or much less if they're thrifty. That leaves $700. That should be enough to cover transportation, clothing, and movie-nights once in a while. The point is, you're alive and you have food and shelter. And most importantly, you have some motivation to strive for better things. Or not. Just be a bum and work 6 months of the year and collect EI and other social assistance like so many trashy Canadians already do. Whatever.
Who goes out for movies anymore? That's supposed to be a consolation? Movies, read Hollywood, has done more harm to the human psyche than can be summed up in a "Post Quick Reply" reply. Seriously.
I assume poor people go to the movies. Also teenagers.
I assume poor people go to the movies. Also teenagers.

One thing poor people and teenagers have in common is compromised abstract reasoning.
One thing that I've noticed is that the full/old timers tend to not give a care about the part/new timers.
Many places with a large staff get gradually crippled by it, and they find that part timers work harder for less pay.
A significant portion of old timers are putting in time, waiting for freedom 51.
Why wouldn't they start/continue hiring that way?

Well... It's difficult to care about the new hires when they have little work ethic and expect to be handed perks that the people with 25 years in have earned.
There is a marked difference in my org between the older staff and the 20 - somethings...
I don't blame them for the way they are... They grew up in an era where they were not allowed to fail and everyone got a trophy...
Employers put up with it though... We have new hires tgat come in knowing it's a 24 hour 7 day a week operation yet a month on they're literally crying because they have to work over Christmas... Or, they get doctors notes to get out of working nights...
I'm 51 and gave been working my scheduled night shifts fir 27 years... Maybe I'm the idiot
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Well... It's difficult to care about the new hires when they have little work ethic and expect to be handed perks that the people with 25 years in have earned. There is a marked difference in my org between the older staff and the 20 - somethings... I don't blame them for the way they are... They grew up in an era where they were not allowed to fail and everyone got a trophy... Employers put up with it though... We have new hires tgat come in knowing it's a 24 hour 7 day a week operation yet a month on they're literally crying because they have to work over Christmas... Or, they get doctors notes to get out of working nights... I'm 51 and gave been working my scheduled night shifts fir 27 years... Maybe I'm the idiot
In my experience, the new hires that have little work ethic don't last long, unless they get in good with the head parasite(s), and it's those that tend to take businesses down.
They're the ones who know exactly which doctor to go to for said notes.

The problem is that new gung ho employees get real frustrated, real quick working with the parasites and also leave.
Well... It's difficult to care about the new hires when they have little work ethic and expect to be handed perks that the people with 25 years in have earned.
There is a marked difference in my org between the older staff and the 20 - somethings...
I don't blame them for the way they are... They grew up in an era where they were not allowed to fail and everyone got a trophy...
Employers put up with it though... We have new hires tgat come in knowing it's a 24 hour 7 day a week operation yet a month on they're literally crying because they have to work over Christmas... Or, they get doctors notes to get out of working nights...
I'm 51 and gave been working my scheduled night shifts fir 27 years... Maybe I'm the idiot

In my experience, the new hires that have little work ethic don't last long, unless they get in good with the head parasite(s), and it's those that tend to take businesses down.
They're the ones who know exactly which doctor to go to for said notes.

The problem is that new gung ho employees get real frustrated, real quick working with the parasites and also leave.

And who is hiring them...PEOPLE LIKE THEM...so there you go. HR is the one letting them in the door to get to the next level.
Once these types take over HR and a few management positions, they will be the MAJORITY and ensure none of you types get in...hmmm what organisation likes to whine for more perks, has the best there is, job security, sick days, pensions...hmmmm thinking, thinking
And who is hiring them...PEOPLE LIKE THEM...so there you go. HR is the one letting them in the door to get to the next level.
Once these types take over HR and a few management positions, they will be the MAJORITY and ensure none of you types get in...hmmm what organisation likes to whine for more perks, has the best there is, job security, sick days, pensions...hmmmm thinking, thinking
:( You missed the part about punishing innovation and productivity. I know someone who was taken off of commission after consistently making much more than the dept. head, who was also on commission. Of course the dept. head is in for the long haul gold plated pension, and the other person would have to work until age 80 or 90 to get an inferior type of package.
I've noticed a number of jobs are now paying minimum wage for semi skilled labour, or even experience. I've seen jobs like full time overnight hotel desk clerk requiring 5 years of experience offering minimum wage. Front line tech support, which back in 2001 paid $13-18 an hour at many places now pays minimum wage.

As jobs become automated (like accounting), warehouse, order taking, manufacturing, welding, you're going to see a larger labour pool and a smaller job market. some of these jobs may be mundane but they still need to be done.
I've noticed a number of jobs are now paying minimum wage for semi skilled labour, or even experience. I've seen jobs like full time overnight hotel desk clerk requiring 5 years of experience offering minimum wage. Front line tech support, which back in 2001 paid $13-18 an hour at many places now pays minimum wage.

As jobs become automated (like accounting), warehouse, order taking, manufacturing, welding, you're going to see a larger labour pool and a smaller job market. some of these jobs may be mundane but they still need to be done.


We often see people writing that flipping burgers isn't worth $15/hr but what about the countless other jobs that actually do require some ability and concentration that also pay minimum wage?

I keep telling people to look at Costco to see a good example of how paying significantly more than minimum wage doesn't necessarily cripple the bottom line. If a business model relies on paying employees the legal minimum then it's not a very good business model and you'll get not very good employees.
I've noticed a number of jobs are now paying minimum wage for semi skilled labour, or even experience. I've seen jobs like full time overnight hotel desk clerk requiring 5 years of experience offering minimum wage. Front line tech support, which back in 2001 paid $13-18 an hour at many places now pays minimum wage.

As jobs become automated (like accounting), warehouse, order taking, manufacturing, welding, you're going to see a larger labour pool and a smaller job market. some of these jobs may be mundane but they still need to be done.
And when evidence shows that increasing minimum wage also increases unemployment...?

You're living in bizarro land if you think the way to counter job losses and lower wages due to automation is a mandatory increase in wages. Talk about taking all the remaining air out of the balloon....
I busted my ass to pull myself out of minimum wage. On the road to getting professional. I felt like if I was robbed
And when evidence shows that increasing minimum wage also increases unemployment...?

You're living in bizarro land if you think the way to counter job losses and lower wages due to automation is a mandatory increase in wages. Talk about taking all the remaining air out of the balloon....

Ok, let's just flat line this and pay everyone $100 per hour and if you have x amount of kids you get y amount more money ($20 per kid).
There, end thread.
Everyone makes $100/hr and we have a flat tax of 10%.
Done and Done

what's next? Mars?
I've noticed a number of jobs are now paying minimum wage for semi skilled labour, or even experience. I've seen jobs like full time overnight hotel desk clerk requiring 5 years of experience offering minimum wage. Front line tech support, which back in 2001 paid $13-18 an hour at many places now pays minimum wage.

If there's people willing to work for that, then companies will pay crap for it...that's part of the problem - people race themselves to the bottom and then complain about it.

Don't think the job is worth what they're offering for pay? Walk away. If others do the same and the job goes unfilled then they'll start paying more.

I see this unfortunately all the time in the trucking industry - guys jump all over themselves to race to the bottom on the wage structure tree just so they're behind the wheel, but then they moan and groan about how little money they're making and all the long hours they need to work because of it. Unfortunately the companies have the drivers wrapped around their fingers in many of the bottom feeder companies because they know damned well that there's 20 other bottom feeder drivers waiting at the door who will also work for the same piss poor wage that the last guy might have quit over.

If driver stood up for themselves and said "No, I'm not working 14 hours a day for less than minimum wage" (a scenario that plays out quite easily in the trucking industry given the milage based pay structure and the fact most companies don't pay drivers for delay time) companies would be left with nobody to move their loads and then would be FORCED to pay more to get drivers in the seats.

But nope, guys tripping over themselves to work for those wages instead.

People are their own worst enemies sometimes.
Ok, let's just flat line this and pay everyone $100 per hour and if you have x amount of kids you get y amount more money ($20 per kid).
There, end thread.
Everyone makes $100/hr and we have a flat tax of 10%.
Done and Done

what's next? Mars?

Did you feel any shame doing that
If there's people willing to work for that, then companies will pay crap for it...that's part of the problem - people race themselves to the bottom and then complain about it.

Don't think the job is worth what they're offering for pay? Walk away. If others do the same and the job goes unfilled then they'll start paying more.

I see this unfortunately all the time in the trucking industry - guys jump all over themselves to race to the bottom on the wage structure tree just so they're behind the wheel, but then they moan and groan about how little money they're making and all the long hours they need to work because of it. Unfortunately the companies have the drivers wrapped around their fingers in many of the bottom feeder companies because they know damned well that there's 20 other bottom feeder drivers waiting at the door who will also work for the same piss poor wage that the last guy might have quit over.

If driver stood up for themselves and said "No, I'm not working 14 hours a day for less than minimum wage" (a scenario that plays out quite easily in the trucking industry given the milage based pay structure and the fact most companies don't pay drivers for delay time) companies would be left with nobody to move their loads and then would be FORCED to pay more to get drivers in the seats.

But nope, guys tripping over themselves to work for those wages instead.

People are their own worst enemies sometimes.

I actually spoke with an old school trucker a few years ago about that very same scenario.

He said there was a wicked amount of $ to be made in the hauling business...but then new school of truckers came in and drove the prices down considerably just to get jobs....fast forward 10-15 years and those very same truckers that killed the living wage are now moaning and groaning because the next wave of eager truckers (immigrant) are working for WAY LESS than that first initial drop.

It's a vicious cycle...and a very unfortunate one but it'll keep playing itself out if people continue to do go for the low wages as the options are dwindling...
I actually spoke with an old school trucker a few years ago about that very same scenario.

He said there was a wicked amount of $ to be made in the hauling business...

It's a vicious cycle...and a very unfortunate one but it'll keep playing itself out if people continue to do go for the low wages as the options are dwindling...

Yeah, if only there was organizations that would get all the employees in a company together and negotiate on their behalf for fair wages for fair work, and also for other things like a pension and fair that would give them financial security into their retirement years. And fair treatment. And time with their families instead of being a slave to the company.

They could call it a union or something.

And then people would cry that those "lazy union employees" make too much because they're doing better than they are.

Vicious circle indeed. Fact is people always find something to complain about.

Disclaimer: I'm a union driver and make significantly more than the average wage in my industry now, and I'm OK with that, but unfortunately the other companies racing to the bottom in their rate structure (which in turn passes to their drivers pay structure) are making it harder and harder for companies like mine to survive unless shippers are willing to pay for the vastly superior service we provide, instead of just going with the bottom feeders because they're cheap.
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