Try doing something first, then tell us about how easy it is. For example, take out a net lease on a 5000sq ft shop, get some equipment, pay commercial utilities, taxes, WSIB, insurance, etc. and open a fabrication shop with every second patron expecting you to drive to them an hour away and weld their crap for $50. Go ahead and tell me how easy it is to keep the lights on, let alone hire a shop helper.
How about this, retail net leases are about double the price/sqft if not more depending on location. Then you've got to pay for all of the above recurring expenses, in addition to floating your inventory, dealing with theft, returns(most of the time this is not reimbursed by suppliers and has to be eaten by the retailer). Working 17 hour days to start because most new start ups operate in the red and can barely pay themselves a living wage, let alone any hired help. Not to mention that when margins are tight in the beginning, you fret about hiring anybody new because of trust issues, what if the new hire turns out to be a thief, or worse?
See I know you haven't tried any of this, because of the way you speak about how easy it is. How you don't know any of the statistics, or trials and tribulations of starting and running a small business. I've tried, and admittedly failed a couple times to get something of the ground without massive capital behind me. My next venture is actually a fabrication shop that I will be trying to start up in the next year. I know that in order for it to work for me in the beginning, I will have to literally live at my shop, and keep my full time job, putting in 18 hour days between the two. A workshop typically runs $8-12/sqft/yr+HST plus commercial utilities. Just that alone can kill it for many people starting out without a bunch of money in their pocket.
So when I hear somebody say that any new business that can't afford to pay for workers at high wages, is a ****** business, I can't help but think of one famous quote about speaking out of your ***. Although the original source of the quote is a matter of some controversy, the moral remains the same. "[FONT="]Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.[/FONT]"