Caboose, you did say that businesses haven't gone under or had to cut staff in the past, and why should it happen now. Insinuating that you didn't consider the intensity of this sudden hike, which btw is unprecedented. Which is why I said that because of it's sudden intensity, it will not be easily passed on to the consumer as sudden as it hits. Employment and small businesses are going to take a huge hit on this, and the ones that do survive will be under staffed and over priced, meaning the same min wage workers still won't afford to eat/shop where they work. And the cycle continues.
mmmmmnaked, Union shops with contracts will most assuredly NOT receive a coinciding wage increase. In fact, most union contracts these days are even under a C.O.L.A. freeze, mine included(USW Local 7135). Yes, we can attempt to bargain for a coinciding increase in our next contract, but it will not come easy nor without suffering. This hike to $15 means that the current entry wage at our plant of $16.80, which used to be a very good starting wage for an undeveloped worker, is now an noncompetitive pittance. However I can potentially side with the company when it comes to saying an inexperienced laborer is not wort more. They're slower thus less productive, they make more mistakes, which cost more to repair, etc. I should also add that we are the only Canadian builder of freight rail cars, a busy times we have a roster of around 2,000 employees. Competing with American firms that pay their employees less than half of our average wage, is already a difficulty. I don't see a $4 instant increase happening in my next contract, and I wouldn't support a 3-6 month strike or lockout, to get it.