Millenials + social media =

popular youtubers make boatloads of money

Although that's true for already established channels, it's now harder for newbies to break into the money making territory.

Only a fraction of the countless thousands of motorcycle vloggers will ever reach the required 10,000 channel views, for example, and the money earned at that point is still pretty low. I have a few videos with north of 100,000 views and I think I made $40 or something like that. Better then a kick in the balls, but I'm not going to retire on it.

But yes, some do live handsomely on their earnings, but it's a lot of luck (or previous stardom) that gets them there.
I just checked my 1 video that used to make me money fairly regularly and I see that I'm no longer making anything because I used a snipped of music from a copyright artist. My bad, but now the artist who's 5 seconds of music is in the video is making the money instead of me. I seem to remember getting an email about that some time ago.

Another potential pitfall one needs to watch out for. Unfortunately I don't have the raw footage anymore to remake the video and repost it, but whatever, it's not worth my time
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