Mike Pence

doesn't harley source a percentage of parts for their bikes from china?

I can't find any Chinese on my bike, but there are a few Japanese parts. The ignition box is Japanese. In spite of wishful thinking of Harley detractors, there really isn't as much offshore content as you're being told.
I can't find any Chinese on my bike, but there are a few Japanese parts. The ignition box is Japanese. In spite of wishful thinking of Harley detractors, there really isn't as much offshore content as you're being told.

Harley tractors may have questionable offshore content but as a whole they make pretty swell boat anchors.
clueless mofo

Apparently he has trouble distinguishing between Israeli and Nicaraguan flags in tweets.

Hint: The Nicaraguan flag has Nicaragua written on it.
Here is an alternate thought as to why Pence.
He checks the box for the older white male from the 50's demographics.
BUT given his views if you were to impeach Trump that means you now have to deal with Pence and his social views are very different from Trumps.
As they say be careful what you wish for, lol
He and his ilk believe the universe is only 6000 years old. That's all I need to know to realize how dangerous he is.
Why exactly are these 2 very good ideas dangerous?

Discrimination is discrimination.

Like I've stated previously, If anyone (like Pence) believes an invisible sky fairy created the Earth 6,000 years ago, they should be under psychiatric care.
Discrimination is discrimination.

Like I've stated previously, If anyone (like Pence) believes an invisible sky fairy created the Earth 6,000 years ago, they should be under psychiatric care.

I agree that the LGBTQ crowd shouldn't be able to discriminate or attack religions groups, especially when they viciously attack them for not wanting to bake a cake for them when there are other bakeries on the same street.

And just so I'm clear, invisible sky fairy=bad, can't figure out what gender you are=good. Got it.
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