Midwinter Blues 2, 2020 - Has anyone been saved by loud pipes?

Did you ever have one of those loud pipe V-twins pull in front of you and then roll on the throttle to accelerate away like you are standing still?
.... I never have, but I might drop back to get away from all the racket :LOL:
YES! I ride with a small group a couple of times each year, most are novice to intermediate riders, we do a 507 day run and an overnight to Algonquin each summer, I usually sweep and help the new riders. There's one fellow in the group that rides a big Yamaha with straight pipes who loves to will for no reason gear UP then lug at WOT -- not only do I get an irritating boom, I get to smell and taste his exhaust.
Harley Davidson, providing the most effective way of turning gas into noise, without the pesky side effect of horsepower.

1750cc putting out 65 HP hauling 670 lbs. Probably 60-62 HP with pipes. That's over 11 lbs./HP. I'm surprised it can get out of it's own way.

1750cc putting out 65 HP hauling 670 lbs. Probably 60-62 HP with pipes. That's over 11 lbs./HP. I'm surprised it can get out of it's own way.


To be fair, it's the 144 Nm (106 ft-lb) is what the cruiser guys go on about.

Gotta have that torque to move 304 kgs though. 670 lbs. Fack!

"Stopping and turning? But why?!?"
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