Mid-life crisis bike?

Concours Guy

Active member
Aloha everyone... I got my motorcycle licence when I was 16 in 1986 to piss off my British father who regaled me with his tales of touring the UK on his BMW.... It's hard riding on coattails...

I don't know what the hell he had in mind... my parents were alarmed when I had my 'R' licence... can anyone remember the day?

Rode for 10 years... one dreadful drop.

Got out of university and my insurance company wouldn't insure my 750 Ninja despite a clean record. Blacklisted!

Now I'm back! Tuned around on a Ninja 600 for a couple of years.

Looking to connect with like minded folks for casual rides.
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Welcome back. I'm guessing Concours Guy means you're on a Concours -- nice bike.

Keep your eyes on the forum, there aren't many rides coordinated through here but the ones that run are always decent folk.
welcome back
you'd be a few years younger than me - bought my first brand new bike in '86

I do remember the temp permits back than
I would get 2 of them per summer and let it expire in the winter
insurance was dead cheap regardless of license class

Concours is an excellent choice for a middle aged dude
most of them that have never ridden before get a Harley as the crisis bike
and become Saturday afternoon SOA posers
Thanks gents!

The Concours means business -- definitely not for the faint of heart. I certainly approach it with respect.

Just tooling around this site I am surprised about young kids and inexperienced middle aged fellas getting in over their heads with big bore rides. Sign of the times I guess; everyone wants something brand new and fast and winds up as a wreck on CP24. Buy a 300 to 500cc POS starting out, maybe drop it and pop your cherry, and then graduate to something bigger. Mother of Mary I don't know where kids find the insurance money for some of these flash bikes. I also don't understand why a middle aged guy would want to start out on a Hog around 800 cc's.

lol... R licences. Valid for 90 days as I recall. You are right; life was easier back then, and quite cheaper.
Thanks gents!

The Concours means business -- definitely not for the faint of heart. I certainly approach it with respect.

Just tooling around this site I am surprised about young kids and inexperienced middle aged fellas getting in over their heads with big bore rides. Sign of the times I guess; everyone wants something brand new and fast and winds up as a wreck on CP24. Buy a 300 to 500cc POS starting out, maybe drop it and pop your cherry, and then graduate to something bigger. Mother of Mary I don't know where kids find the insurance money for some of these flash bikes. I also don't understand why a middle aged guy would want to start out on a Hog around 800 cc's.

lol... R licences. Valid for 90 days as I recall. You are right; life was easier back then, and quite cheaper.
They live at home, easy to spend 'rent money' on insurance instead.
Welcome to the site.
By the sounds of it, you are wiser than probably a lot of the people on here.
Ride safe and enjoy the site as well.
A thing of beauty, isn't it... I wanted mine in black but the two tone is growing on me. And no chain to lube, clean, buy or break!
My upgraded concours.... 304 kilos a bit much in the tight stuff... Lovely when it rains with the shaft drive. Come with me for a few laps of the dragon and will compare notes...





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Loved the third pic the best! As Cheech might have said in 'Up in Smoke'... Holy sheepshit... love the orange/black contrast. That is one tricked out Concours... so nice that you are giving it mucho love!
Welcome to the site.
By the sounds of it, you are wiser than probably a lot of the people on here.
Ride safe and enjoy the site as well.

Thanks bro... not looking to tip anyone's apple cart. The metrics are clear... going out the stats say you will drop your ride inside of 3 months, and I did it to the day. In present day, these stats are more compelling.
My upgraded concours.... 304 kilos a bit much in the tight stuff... Lovely when it rains with the shaft drive. Come with me for a few laps of the dragon and will compare notes...





Sounds good, let's do it! I'm looking at survival for the time being, but perhaps my reach might exceed my grasp at some point. douglas.coggon@hotmail.ca
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