A long time ago, in rigged elections
far, far away....
*cracks fingers and starts typing
on computer...
This started in 1929 when the political party "PRI" took power and held it for 70 years. Yeah, 70 years with the same facking party in power, until they lost it in 2000 to the opposing party "PAN" by a landslide but unfortunately here's where the ***** hit the fan.
You see, after all those decades of being in power, the PRI did whatever they wanted with the economy, laws, banks, corporations, and yes, drug cartels. For the longest time they held pacts of non-interference with them, government doesn't stick their noses in drug dealings (for an obscene cut of their business, of course) and cartels get a free pass on their illegal activities. No questions asked.
During that time, it was unheard of about drug wars, killings, beheadings, mass graves and all the pretty things these people do for a living. It was a time where it was actually peaceful and safe for the most part, and I have to admit that everyday life was pretty good down there during that time.
When the PRI got defeated and lost power, the new party started to engage in a war to put an end to this and cut off all the deals with the cartels. Obviously this was not taken kindly and the retaliation and fight for power began; cartels did what they do best in order to fight back and the country has been paying for it in blood ever since.
The new party (PAN) stood in power for over a decade and the war against drugs and cartels got into high gear and became the gruesome bloodbath it is today. Fast forward to year 2012 when the PAN got defeated by, guess who... the PRI party in one of the most
obvious, flagrant and shameless rigged presidential elections in México's history.
The current president Peña Nieto is the epitome of corruption, ignorance, collusion, abuse of power, deceit and many other nice adjectives that usually go hand in hand with dictatorship-like leaders.
This guy lacks the proper career path to be sitting at the top; he got there by being supported by very corrupt and heavy long-standing players in politics.
For fack sakes, his political godfather is ex-president Carlos Salinas, one of the most corrupt ever and author of the worst economic crisis in México (this one's another rigged election example).
One of Peña Nieto’s “best” moments was when he held a cabinet meeting in English with foreign officials, in the most broken accent and couldn’t even pronounce
infrastructure properly. I mean, this guy is a jackass.
So, not to extend this story any further, how does this get resolved?
No one knows, but one thig is for sure: it won’t happen in a very long time.
As a side note, read this. This guy is shameless: