Mechanic wont return my bike. Civil or Criminal process?


At least ask where the bike is? Get an address. You can advise the mechanic, you understand he's busy but, he's had enough time. If it's not entirely fixed, advise them you just want the bike and will deal with anything else afterwards. You should be able to get a time and date to arrange picking up the bike.

Once you have the response, (voice mail, text etc.) and you're still getting the run around, then begin civil action. You'll have all the coorespondence of how you tried to arrange return of the bike and the mechanic failed on their part.
name the shop.....or it didn't happen...
Naming the place of business could net the OP legal problems, so I would recommend against doing so.
Sounds really shady, but the police won't do anything for you. They only step in on stuff like this if instructed by the court.

My advice is to talk to a lawyer. They'll send a letter to the shop owner and when they realize they can get sued they will give you your bike back promptly.

You might save some cash if you first threaten to call the police or hire a lawyer. You can threaten to picket outside his shop or go to the newspaper. There are no laws to protect him from a bad reputation.
name the shop.....or it didn't happen...

While I wouldn't mind knowing I have a great deal of respect for the OP for not making one of the typical rant type posts that people make while hiding behind the internet skirt.
I would report the bike stolen and give the police a tip of where or who may know the where abouts of your bike.
i would like to know what business OP's dealing with that likes to screw with his customers.

name the shop.....or it didn't happen...

There's really no point

I hate hearing/reading story's of people getting scammed,Paying to much for work not done,Motors blowing ect
unfortunately i can count on one hand (yes i can count that high) of shops in the city worth giving business to because fly by night shops that care more about money then the safety of their customers

Same song and Dance

Phone didn't work
No reception, Didn't get that text
Not good with computers
Don't like email
Blah Blah Blah

Consider this a lesson learned and just go get the bike back regardless of condition
The moneys gone and cops won't bother unless you report it stolen
Don't bother
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I would report the bike stolen and give the police a tip of where or who may know the where abouts of your bike.

Which would result in nothing happening to the person who is currently holding the bike, but a criminal charge being levied against you.
So here's the update.

Apparently he's dropping off the bike today. So we'll see what happens, if it doesn't then I'm going to try and find out where it's located and then proceed from there.

I had already in the past mentioned a few times that I wanted the bike back ASAP as is condition. To that I was basically ignored. The guy was actually a friend at one point. I knew he had a volatile personality but since it was never directed at me I didn't worry about it. Then all of a sudden I'm waiting over 3 months to have my bike finished and delivered and he's ignored 80% of my attempts to reach him. I'm not going to mention his name or his shop's name here because I don't want to give him a reason to cause me more problems and this still may become a legal matter. Let's just say he's an independent. Which has taught me a lesson to never get a vehicle repaired anywhere but a legit shop that has a permanent address that's accessible.
Don't hold your breath. Hardly anyone posts a conclusion to their predicaments. Probably because they often end up unsatisfied.

Unsatisfied people generally want to tell everyone. Satisfied people no longer have a reason to discuss it.
I got my bike back. Not satisfied how the whole thing turned out. Guess it's one of those life lessons you learn the hard way. Now I know better for future.

Sad thing is the bike runs better than ever but with school coming up and the cost of insurance for 3 months of riding means I'm most likely going to sell it.

C'est la vie.
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