Maxi scoots

Hey all! Been a while since I've posted, dealing with injuries.

Just wanted to ask what kind of maxi scooters, maybe 400-650cc range is easily accessible in Ontario? I've done some research but seems like they aren't even listed in Canadian websites... So I'm unsure if certain models are discontinued or only available in EU ASIA market.

And if you have ridden any, please give some feed back!

Seems like 400s will be manageable with my back and leg injury, but 650s maybe better for 2 up highway rides..?

Currently own a cb5x

Thank you! Really appreciate any replies
FYI on the insurance side, scooters are rated pretty much the same way as a motorcycle with a comparable engine size. So for example the rate on a Yamaha XMax would be similar to a Honda CB300R, the rate on a BMW C650 would be similar to a Yamaha V-Star 650 or Suzuki SV650 #themoreyouknow
I've had 2 Aprilia SR50's and they are a great scoot in the mini scooter class. Much better than the Derbi Bullet, Yamaha BWS 50, and any 50cc 4 stroke scooter will be a slow dog. The Aprilia Motard 50 is not the SR50 which is an older model. Check out the the Italjet 200, of course only available in Europe. :cry:
0-60 in 6.8s? Wow. I expected faster. That's faster than some 250's but slower than 300's.
it's about the same as my CB300F but I can tell you a BurgerKing with the power button on will leave a lot of bikes in the dust for up to 60 kph. Nature of the ECVT. For urban commutes it's ideal. Quick off the lights, brakes are excellent ( two handed braking is really cool ).
0-40 kph runs 3.3 sec which is not bad for a 600 lb ride and it is flat out effortless to ride with low CoG and no clutch to worry about. The power mode basically changes your gearing so quicker starts but runs out of advantage around 80 kph ...then it's just a heavy 650 twin.

the Aprilia has a bigger motor, same transmission but more ranges.
Aprilia SRV 850 First Look Review - Cycle World › 2011/10/27 › aprilia-srv...
27 Oct 2011 — Claimed top speed is more than 124 mph, while 0-60-mph acceleration takes just 5 seconds. To counter this performance, a Brembo front-brake .
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Grrrrrr. Ready for the Dempster highway!
Are you sure? Those look a lot like the wheels that BMWrider and friends couldn't keep air in during their Trans Taiga ride.
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Thank you every one for the selections! My problem in the long run could be throwing the leg over my tall cbx, hip leg back cramps and all.. Currently waiting for some appointments and results... Will take it from there after

Much appreciated ❤️
Due to some issues I quit throwing the leg over it long ago and having sadly acknowledged that though less manly it is ok to climb on using the foot pegs while the kick stand holds it up.
My choice. 750cc, almost a motorcycle.
@timtune if I do it the traditional way, over the back seat, it already gives me a hip cramp.. I've been surviving over the front.. Will try your method if/when I am feeling better to ride. Kinda sketchy though 😂
The downside with the Honda and the Aprila 850 is they are not really step through the way the C650 or Burgman are.
@timtune if I do it the traditional way, over the back seat, it already gives me a hip cramp.. I've been surviving over the front.. Will try your method if/when I am feeling better to ride. Kinda sketchy though 😂
Yeah long after I couldn't swing it out back I could still hoist it up over the tank.
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