Master Cylinder issues

OP, what specifically is happening with your brakes? Are they strong initially, then fade quickly? If so, it's your MC.

If your brakes are just ***** period, your brakes may not have been bled properly, and there could be air bubbles trapped in your system. When was the last time you did any kind of service on your brakes?

If you're anywhere near Port Credit, PM me, ride by, and I can take a look one evening.

you would put a piece of cloth or paper towel over the bottle (use rubberband to keep in place)
It's a trick I saw some former racers do...try it, brakes are rock hard the next day.

OP, make sure you bleed the master properly, do it first and would be surprised.

Try the R1 setup I posted above, much better than your stock.
I am sure 99CBRF4 will sort it out for you ***whisper***be careful he doesn't roll it into the lake***he likes Hondas*
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