age, bike, location???? Give them a call ask whats up...mine dropped to 1800 from 2200 with Jevco on a 250, just turned 21.
Your rediculous prices drive people to the verge of insanity. What do you expect? People to be reasonable?
This device was on my father's truck in europe, its magnetic. The only question I have is: With such a device, would one user STILL have to pay double liability?? This is an anti theft device.
Knowing you, you would want it implanted in the rectal area.....
Cmon it's funny!
Well, we are very different you and I. Double liability is a legit scam, if I could pay only liability once I would save 1700 Dollar over the next 12 months. It makes sense to pay liability only once because well, you cannot crash your bike and your car at the same time...AND... if someone else is driving my car and they have had 4 tickets and an accident on their name, it doesn't make sense for them to be on my liability which is 1700 a year. Independently, their liability would be much higher than that. You see what I am saying here?
Anyways, I am "insane" because I recognize that I work for 1/3 of my life to earn purchasing power. I am "insane" when I see my purchasing power reduced by such an obvious scam.
Viffer fun. You are a real arrogant SOB. Everybody on this site is uneducated according to you. I guess the only people you want to deal with are sheeps that do nor ask any questions and will follow and accept your BS. indefinetly. One question for you. Since Dalton McGuinty gave up the store to the insurance industry last year when the industry was crying, I am losing money, I am bleeding red, in your infinite wisdom, can you tell us the uneducated here how much money the insurance industry has pledge and has given McGuinty for the his re-election as premier of this province as a gift to his generosity to the industry at the uneducated expence????????? Voted for McGuinty last time, this time no, NDP, all the way. Maybe we will get government run insurance instead. Believe you me, it cannot get any worse than private companies. Roger[GYMPY
Viffer fun. You are a real arrogant SOB. Everybody on this site is uneducated according to you. I guess the only people you want to deal with are sheeps that do nor ask any questions and will follow and accept your BS. indefinetly. One question for you. Since Dalton McGuinty gave up the store to the insurance industry last year when the industry was crying, I am losing money, I am bleeding red, in your infinite wisdom, can you tell us the uneducated here how much money the insurance industry has pledge and has given McGuinty for the his re-election as premier of this province as a gift to his generosity to the industry at the uneducated expence????????? Voted for McGuinty last time, this time no, NDP, all the way. Maybe we will get government run insurance instead. Believe you me, it cannot get any worse than private companies. Roger[GYMPY
Viffer fun. You are a real arrogant SOB. Everybody on this site is uneducated according to you. I guess the only people you want to deal with are sheeps that do nor ask any questions and will follow and accept your BS. indefinetly. One question for you. Since Dalton McGuinty gave up the store to the insurance industry last year when the industry was crying, I am losing money, I am bleeding red, in your infinite wisdom, can you tell us the uneducated here how much money the insurance industry has pledge and has given McGuinty for the his re-election as premier of this province as a gift to his generosity to the industry at the uneducated expence????????? Voted for McGuinty last time, this time no, NDP, all the way. Maybe we will get government run insurance instead. Believe you me, it cannot get any worse than private companies. Roger[GYMPY
Viffer has been a long time member here and has provided a lot of useful information to riders with no personal gain for himself. I commend him and thank him for his efforts. I know the vast majority of members appreciate the information he provides.
Government run auto insurance is one of those ideas that on the surface sounds good but after a closer look not so much. All three major political parties in Ontario have governed over the past twenty years including the NDP and all have rejected the idea. I have no doubt that a free market system can deliver the product better and cheaper than a large government bureaucracy. In fact, the cheapest systems in North America have free market systems. Just look at Florida with some of the very same insurance companies that operate in our province.
The key to cheaper insurance is reducing the injury claims costs. The government already controls what we must buy in benefits and what insurers must pay out. In Florida, injury benefits are not mandatory. In Ontario, we must buy them and they account for approximately 70% of the compulsory premium. Our government has the ability to make some or all benefits optional, and to reduce fraud by closing loopholes. It approves or rejects premium and rule changes. Why create a giant unwieldy bureaucracy for something it already controls?
I agree 100%. Could you imagine a Government run (and inevitably union controlled) public insurance system? The same people who complain about public workers being overpaid and underworked are the same people suggesting that the Gov't handle something as big as their insurance policy. Do people really want civil servants (think CUPW or TTC) handling their insurance policies? Do people really believe that the 5% saved by eliminating a profit provision would be enough to make up for the lack of efficiency in a Gov't run organization?
It seems to run just fine at cheaper rates in other provinces. Has the privatization of other government services resulted in lower costs for end consumers yet? So why would it work the other way?
Also, in public insurance provinces, there is more political pressure to keep insurance rates low, and sometimes artificially so. Huge premium vs claims shortfalls in Quebec's and BC's public insurance regimes were covered by cash infusions out of general tax revenue. That means that taxpayers who may not even have a driver's license or who could not afford to own their own vehicle were being forced to subsidize auto insurance costs for those who do drive.The rates in other provinces aren't cheaper because they are administered by the Gov't -- the rates are cheaper because the provinces with Gov't insurance are nothing like the litigious environment in Ontario. Allow me to write a private policy in Saskatchewan and I would be able to offer a cheaper rate than SGI . . . I have already done the analysis.