Maple/Vaughan Weekly Meets

ya i showed up at 9:35 ...waited it out for about 10 mins and left... always next time
Anyone up for a ride Sunday May 16, nothing adventurous, maybe the falls.
plans during the day- i will swing by and say hi in the morning though... been a while
Meeting at 10:00 Tims Weston and Rutherford, Leaving 10:15.
Hey all I been MIA due to some serious party's ! lol I am pretty much back now minus next weekend being in the U.S.A.
L&L this thursday?
No one has posted anything in quite a while.:confused:

Monday morning BluVFR is doing a ride to Huntsville from Country Style, Airport Road/Orlando Drive. Good paced ride and he is an excellent leader who I've ridden with many times.

I will leave at 8:15 am. sharp from Tim's, Weston/Rutherford (Metro Spmkt), and then up to Airport/Orlando at the starting point.They are leaving at 9am. sharp.

Should be a great ride given the scenery and weather forecast for Monday.

Who' s coming with me????????
I may pop in for a quick ride down or something- but can't stay the whole day

...Assuming I don't have a splitting hangover lol.

See you then
Anybody interested in doing the BADD ride this Sunday May 30th?
Leaving AMC, #7/#400 at 9:45 a.m. and doing a charity ride in York/Peel/Halton region and end up at Markham Fairgrounds for BBQ.

Cost is $75 and yes you get an income tax receipt for same. They provide a grab bag and BBQ lunch.

I've done a couple of their rides the last few years and they get anywhere from 1000-1500 riders.

Who's in?????
Where you be Ron? haven't heard from you in awhile
just visit a few gentelmans club around vaugh on a friday evening your bound to run into ron :p

Sorry, but that is LMF. I'm here, just busy, moving end of the month so have to pack.
Might go downtown later tonight if anyone want to pose.
Moving?? Where to? No more Maple/Vaughan rides..?
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