Maple/Vaughan Weekly Meets

Ali is really bad; he needs our help and support. His ego is bruised, his new jacket has grass stains, his new boots has mud on it, and his spirit is broken. Jeff and I rode up to hwy 9 and 10, found Ali sitting by his broken bike, the tears in his eyes told a story of a broken hearted man, a kid that just lost his best friend. It was sad. We comforted him, Jeff wiped Ali’s tears, I decided to start his bike but it just wouldn’t turn. So we started to walk the bike and caress it ever so gently, Jeff started singing to the bike and we all did a dance to cheer her up but nothing. When all else failed we called Duc Mark for help, he offered to pick up the bike in his Dodge Ram but before Mark could get to us we got the bike started. We rode Ali home; sorry I mean Ali rode his bike home.

What a day, I’m tired, wet, cold and …………………..

huh? :confused:
Ali is really bad; he needs our help and support. His ego is bruised, his new jacket has grass stains, his new boots has mud on it, and his spirit is broken. Jeff and I rode up to hwy 9 and 10, found Ali sitting by his broken bike, the tears in his eyes told a story of a broken hearted man, a kid that just lost his best friend. It was sad. We comforted him, Jeff wiped Ali’s tears, I decided to start his bike but it just wouldn’t turn. So we started to walk the bike and caress it ever so gently, Jeff started singing to the bike and we all did a dance to cheer her up but nothing. When all else failed we called Duc Mark for help, he offered to pick up the bike in his Dodge Ram but before Mark could get to us we got the bike started. We rode Ali home; sorry I mean Ali rode his bike home.

What a day, I’m tired, wet, cold and …………………..

I read this with tears in my eyes. You guys are incredible! What you did for a fellow rider in his time of need is amazing! I mean wiping his tears, caressing his bike, even singing and dancing to the bike to cheer it up, well that just goes above and beyond what is normally seen in our riding community. You guys rock!!

I hope Ali and his bike are feeling better today. :)

btw - HiBusa, you have a gift with the written word, my friend!
Ali is really bad; he needs our help and support. His ego is bruised, his new jacket has grass stains, his new boots has mud on it, and his spirit is broken. Jeff and I rode up to hwy 9 and 10, found Ali sitting by his broken bike, the tears in his eyes told a story of a broken hearted man, a kid that just lost his best friend. It was sad. We comforted him, Jeff wiped Ali’s tears, I decided to start his bike but it just wouldn’t turn. So we started to walk the bike and caress it ever so gently, Jeff started singing to the bike and we all did a dance to cheer her up but nothing. When all else failed we called Duc Mark for help, he offered to pick up the bike in his Dodge Ram but before Mark could get to us we got the bike started. We rode Ali home; sorry I mean Ali rode his bike home.

What a day, I’m tired, wet, cold and …………………..

:laughing3::laughing8: :laughing8: :laughing8: :laughing3: guyz rock!

my gut hurts/cried reading this...

Ron you left out how i got stung in the back by an invisible bee!!!

Yes I went down, but luckly it was on wet muddy grass! As for my ego..aaackh...fack it!

these 2 guyz are better than CAA and motto limo!

also, fundraiser for me any1??

.jus jkg!
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I read this with tears in my eyes. You guys are incredible! What you did for a fellow rider in his time of need is amazing! I mean wiping his tears, caressing his bike, even singing and dancing to the bike to cheer it up, well that just goes above and beyond what is normally seen in our riding community. You guys rock!!

I hope Ali and his bike are feeling better today. :)

btw - HiBusa, you have a gift with the written word, my friend!

YES he does!
As for the bike......they caressed it, molested it, rubbed it, spanked it, pushed it, shoved it, palyed with it, bumped it, jumped it, and it started before they could get the lube out! Then i rode that slutty bike of mine home!

I's is FEELin! went for a ride on sunday.....Ron is dah MAN!:D
:laughing3::laughing8: :laughing8: :laughing8: :laughing3:

Ron you left out how i got stung in the back by an invisible bee!!!

.jus jkg!

Yes I did forget to mention that, throughout our misadventure our friend, our brother, a fellow rider, was attacked by a bee, yes a bee.

That little venomous insect on one of it routine flights to gather sweet nectar for his queen spotted Ali as he bent over to pick up his tools. From a bee’s eye view I can understand how sweet that must have looked, tempted, this gods fine creature scooped down and sting Ali on the back, not knowing this will be his last flight, brave little bee!

This could have been a fatal sting if it wasn't for Jeff's quick thinking, his brave and heroic and unselfish move, seeing the event unfold and Ali's pain Jeff dove over the tools and sucked the venom out of Al's back saving his life.

Jeff we salute you my friend! I can only wish to be stung by a bee to have you suck me the same way, it was beautiful, and I was in tears....
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Yes I did forget to mention that, throughout our misadventure our friend, our brother, a fellow rider, was attacked by a bee, yes a bee.

That little venomous insect on one of it routine flights to gather sweet nectar for his queen spotted Ali as he bent over to pick up his tools. From a bee’s eye view I can understand how sweet that must have looked, tempted, this gods fine creature scooped down and sting Ali on the back, not knowing this will be his last flight, brave little bee!

This could have been a fatal sting if it wasn't for Jeff's quick thinking, his brave and heroic and unselfish move, seeing the event unfold and Ali's pain Jeff dove over the tools and sucked the venom out of Al's back saving his life.

Jeff we salute you my friend! I can only wish to be stung by a bee to have you suck me the same way, it was beautiful, and I was in tears....

this is my response...
That's it for me. If I knew about all these shananigans I would never have offered to pick you up Ali. Let me know when the fundraiser is, Ali needs to get something a bit more reliable. I was thinking a Duc as they also like the wet.
That's it for me. If I knew about all these shananigans I would never have offered to pick you up Ali. Let me know when the fundraiser is, Ali needs to get something a bit more reliable. I was thinking a Duc as they also like the wet.

Be nice and give him yours...........:laughing8::laughing8:
Yes I did forget to mention that, throughout our misadventure our friend, our brother, a fellow rider, was attacked by a bee, yes a bee.

That little venomous insect on one of it routine flights to gather sweet nectar for his queen spotted Ali as he bent over to pick up his tools. From a bee’s eye view I can understand how sweet that must have looked, tempted, this gods fine creature scooped down and sting Ali on the back, not knowing this will be his last flight, brave little bee!

This could have been a fatal sting if it wasn't for Jeff's quick thinking, his brave and heroic and unselfish move, seeing the event unfold and Ali's pain Jeff dove over the tools and sucked the venom out of Al's back saving his life.

Jeff we salute you my friend! I can only wish to be stung by a bee to have you suck me the same way, it was beautiful, and I was in tears....

Lmao ron go back to work.
Hope you all had a good one.
I am sick with the flue :( if i am better by this weekend i say we do a nice ride.
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