Maple/Vaughan Weekly Meets

Hahahaha mark....... Don't worry moderate pace lol ..... Who are these crazy kids anyway ? Hahaha
Hey Jeff.
I just heard there was some of this type of thing going on. I don't condone that kind of behaviour.

Lets ride.
Hey everyone this up comming sunday is Aminal & Fozzy's fall ride & BBQ 2009 ... i was just throwing this out to see how many of us will be going because they asked that we post up if going by tomorrow so they know how much food to buy. I for one will be going and it would be good to get a nice size group to represent our area and ride up together.
i am going to try to make this one......
Hey everyone this up comming sunday is Aminal & Fozzy's fall ride & BBQ 2009 ... i was just throwing this out to see how many of us will be going because they asked that we post up if going by tomorrow so they know how much food to buy. I for one will be going and it would be good to get a nice size group to represent our area and ride up together.

hey Jeff,

put me down as 75% tentative.. I should be able to swing it...

how long is this event? bike is goin in for vavle checks on friday ...hopfully i get it back by sunday!

It's at most a 5 hour job. If the technician knows what he's doing you should have it back by Saturday night the latest.
BBQ ride Sunday, we will meet at Tim's Weston and Rutherford 8:30 leaving 8:45.
Meeting up with Last Boyscout hwy 9 and 27.
anybody...How long is this event?

What time would we be back in woodbridge

It all depends on what you do after the BBQ or how long you hang out at the BBQ, you should be home by 3:00 PM. I might do a ride after.
Wow they just changed my work schedule.... i am working midnights starting on sunday night at 10 pm..... I will have to be back from the BBQ early so i can get some sleep before i have to go to work. This sucks. On the bright side its almost friday and downtown is calling...... :D:p:eek::):rolleyes:;):happy3:


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It all depends on what you do after the BBQ or how long you hang out at the BBQ, you should be home by 3:00 PM. I might do a ride after.

Hey HiBusa,

that works for me... I need to be home for 3pm - 3:30pm... so as long as this ispossible... I'm in..
anyone want to go to the Lesile and lake shore meet i may go just for a ride.. let me know in the next 15 or so mins..
Damn yesterday I ride to work and when i get to work i find a nice surprise in my rear tire.... A NAIL !!!!!!! :mad: So i had to get my dad to pick up the bike with his pick up truck and the only place that had the tire i wanted (bt016) was Kahuna or however u spell it... so i am riding on a new rear tire now so i will be taking it easy to break it in. see you downtown tonight (whoever is going)
Damn yesterday I ride to work and when i get to work i find a nice surprise in my rear tire.... A NAIL !!!!!!! :mad: So i had to get my dad to pick up the bike with his pick up truck and the only place that had the tire i wanted (bt016) was Kahuna or however u spell it... so i am riding on a new rear tire now so i will be taking it easy to break it in. see you downtown tonight (whoever is going)

Welcome to the club. I had the same bs with my front tire in April and good a good screwing from Kahuna ($300 for front BT016).

Best idea is to buy a set on sale and to keep in your basement.

Welcome to the club. I had the same bs with my front tire in April and good a good screwing from Kahuna ($300 for front BT016).

Best idea is to buy a set on sale and to keep in your basement.


Lol I got a rear.tire for 280 installed
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