Maple/Vaughan Weekly Meets

I like the Niagara idea, what time are you planning on leaving? Anyone one else thinking of riding to Naigara, we don't have to cross over, we can ride around and meet up with jakumomo when his back on the Canadian side.

Your brilliance amazes me. :p

Let's ride to Niagara on Saturday and then meet up with Jakumomo on the Canadian side.
I like the Niagara idea, what time are you planning on leaving? Anyone one else thinking of riding to Naigara, we don't have to cross over, we can ride around and meet up with jakumomo when his back on the Canadian side.

i'm gonna leave @ 11:30. later we can go to ........ (check you PM, dont wanna post routes here),then head towards niagara on the lake. you guyz can meet with me @ 230ish oe earlier.

10:30 is fine...the route i have planned and done with many others, i'm sure everyone will love + the scenery. u guys go for lunch as i go to NY.
Anyone riding to Spring Bling Sunday wanna meet at Tims and ride to Yorkdale? Lets meet for 9:00, leaving 9:15
:cool: I'd be interested in that I'm in Woodbridge Weston Rd & Rutherford, I've been wondering the same thing I see lots of bikes but have no idea where the local riders hook up for rides
:cool: I'd be interested in that I'm in Woodbridge Weston Rd & Rutherford, I've been wondering the same thing I see lots of bikes but have no idea where the local riders hook up for rides

Keep your eyes on this thread. We do not meet on a set day. We usually meet on one or two nights during the week and then again on the week-ends.:D
any 1 want to go for a quick ride now?
:( bike most likely wont be ready for this weekend, maybe next, maybe ... sucks b*lls

" they're trying "

- Kons
Hey guys if the weather changes at all for Spring Bling Sunday then i think my buddy Dan and I will meet up with you all before you ride down to Yorkdale,

We're planning on being there early ... Soo yeah We'll play it by year to see what's going on with the weather and we'll set something up ..

what's going on for Tomorrow afternoon though ?

Just wondering if theres any rides gonna happen or meet ups :)
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