I'd like to see them sue an individual for a single tweet. Tweeting is like shouting into a crowd. If it was continued harassment that is different but a single mean tweet. Give me a break. Rich people with too much money to pay lawyers. TSN being a broadcaster falls under different rules than an individual and will learn to not let the 20yr old intern vet the tweets for air.
So what exactly are the damages here? Most people in Toronto think Phaneuf is an overpaid 2-3 paired D man anyway so I really don't see the damage to reputation here. Has anyone seen an official denial? hmm Lupul has been off the ice a lot this season while Phaneuf is playing. hmmm (waiting for my letter for a mean post on a forum)
Even more ridiculous is Lupul challenging random dudes to fight on social media. What a moron.
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