Many vehicles - tips for cheaper insurance?

when i was on my course last spring, the instructor pointed out that most people have liability coverage on each of their vehicles. this means that with 4+ vehicles, you have 4+ liability policies. you should be able to save a few bucks by getting a single "umbrella" policy to cover all your vehicles together.

Should be
when i was on my course last spring, the instructor pointed out that most people have liability coverage on each of their vehicles. this means that with 4+ vehicles, you have 4+ liability policies. you should be able to save a few bucks by getting a single "umbrella" policy to cover all your vehicles together.

I have an Umbrella Policy, all it does is increase the liability coverage at a lower premium cost to you (rather than doing that with each vehicle). Still costs about $6000 per year for my 5 vehicles for full coverage for 12 months; that is why I have to reduce coverage in the winter months for 2 of 3 cars for fire and theft only.
TDMM will only cover three bikes at a time, beyond that they consider it a fleet scenario, or so they tell me.

MOSTLY true ... in the sense that they will not cover more then 3 bikes at a time on a policy ..

I had 5 bikes at one point insured with TD MM ... solution ? open ANOTHER NEW policy number for the bikes after 3 ... so my first 3 were on ABC policy and my 4th and 5th bikes were on XYZ policy ...
I called around last week for insurance rates as mine is up next month. Can't recall if it was TD or TDMM but the agent stated for a small fee ($150ish) I could add as many other bikes to the policy as I wanted. Given my track bike isn't insured I tuned out when I heard this part but I suggest you giving them a call.

Can't be with TDMM ... maybe its with TD (Primum) ... I was with TD MM at home with family (up until 5 yrs ago) for 15 years and at one point we had 6 cars and 5 bikes in the house... I continually asked every year about this and was told it does not exist. This even though we had only 1 bike rider ~ me and 4 drivers for 6 cars.
MOSTLY true ... in the sense that they will not cover more then 3 bikes at a time on a policy ..

I had 5 bikes at one point insured with TD MM ... solution ? open ANOTHER NEW policy number for the bikes after 3 ... so my first 3 were on ABC policy and my 4th and 5th bikes were on XYZ policy ...
That sounds even more costly. Could be wrong, I guess.
That sounds even more costly. Could be wrong, I guess.

This was before I got married and had a kid ... so I tell my wife that in a previous life I was married to a bunch of 2 wheelers

On that note ... maybe it was just me it was not that expensive ... my rates with TD MM back 5 years ago :

06 R6 - 700 / yr full
ST1300 - 850 / yr full
Zephyr 1100 - 500 / yr full
03 R6 - 500 / yr liability + theft (only had it insured 1 yr like this)
Bandit 1200 - 750 / yr full

if they had an option to add more bikes to a policy for $150 I would have snapped at it. But back then working full time and living at home I spent my money where it counted, on 2 wheelers :P

I know that my rates were signficantly better then other people were getting so I didn't care that I had to pay for more bikes. I remember friends getting 600's and having to pay 2 grands where as I'd have 3 bikes insured to get to 2 grands. LOL
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