So you don't think that this thinking of yours will stop people from purchasing electric vehicles?
If you have to buy a house plus the vehicle it seems like a deterrent to move to electric, instead of just re-evaluating the by-laws to provide exceptions as an intensive to others to buy electric like you know... the HOV lanes.
Jc100 - I think no one will give him the time of day if he hadn't purchase the car first, having the car, the parking tickets amount makes the point more credible than to just say " I would like to buy an E-car but I can't because etc".
Anyways, i got no intentions to argue the point but it seemed from what I read that the conversation happening in this thread didn't reflect the reality of the article and people were jumping to conclusions and talking out of their ***** like you know.. always on gtam
In some neighborhoods there is a limited amount of street parking. This is given out with permits. If you move somewhere new, you might not get a permit. This is something that you need to think about, and work through, before you make a purchase. Some people have been innovative, worked through the system, and turned their front lawns into a parking spot. Purchasing a car first, and then complaining, whether it is fully electric, a hybrid, or a gas guzzling monstrosity, should not lead to the city taking a parking spot away from someone else. The city permits allow you to park within an area, and in no way, allow you to claim the spot in front of your house. Otherwise, the government assisted families, with two or three cars, wouldn't have anywhere to park them (But that's a different issue). And yes the word obtuse does seem fitting. If the guy lived here, he could probably arrange to park at the local library, as they have recharging stations that are for the most part unused. Electric cars should not need major incentives to get people to buy them, and buying them, shouldn't deprive others as part of the process.