If you think cannibalism is a new fad you're wrong. It's been practiced by many cultures throughout history and not just by remote pygmy tribes.
I think this is happening because of all the chemicals and plastics we are ingesting in our food. Not to mention hormones and genetically modified stuff. It is making for more crazy people.
Thanks for the reminder, I need another crate of 7.62
So you're already all stocked up with .22LR for the zombies and wanna expand your protection capabilities from the roving bands of human marauders?![]()
ahhhhhhhhhhh baby is adorable blue eyes carrot hair
So you're already all stocked up with .22LR for the zombies and wanna expand your protection capabilities from the roving bands of human marauders?![]()
All you lucky civilians get to run around do your own thing and waste zombies... I'll be stuck doing whatever it is the army thinks I should be doing... Which could really suck, or I could see some real zombie cleansing, 25mm, M203, 50cal... The cool stuff!
proof?? Okay, here ya go!!
We're stuck with what's cheap and readily available. Bonus points for quiet, especially after a little suppressor-building project once certain pesky laws get suspended due to a national emergency![]()
Lol if you want cheap, look at the military... My gun safe is better equipped for personal zombie protection than what the army would give me... And I'd rather be free to make sure me and mine is looked after, than get stuck doing whatever stupid plan the military would have.
how bored do you have to get before you turn to cannibalism?
Mmmm.....tastes like chicken!
he's a zombie hating racist bastard
proof?? Okay, here ya go!!
proof?? Okay, here ya go!!
Actually, I think we would taste more like pork.... Mmmmm bacon....
Depends.... If we taste like bacon, I think Yetti would be right in there munching along :lmao:I want to be on Yetti's team when the apocalypse hit.
I know the Yetti will not hold back when lobbing off heads
Since you are a Red695, shouldn't that pic be posted in the Babes on Bikes thread?
That is a truly beautiful picture right there.
:::twisting moustace :::: foiled Again !