Man Buys Motorcycle Over Wife's Objections, Dies After Three-Mile Ride

how can men live with women like this?? My wife actually encourages me everytime i buy a new bike, and we have 3 kids! you should enjoy life, and if you can afford the toy, go out there and have fun! if your significant other doesn't agree with you , then you need to kick her to the curb.
On a more serious note, 59 is NOT the time to be hopping on a motorcycle that requires a lot of hand eye co-ordination in the beginning before your secondary brain functions can do those things automatically. Inexperience, slower response time from an older gent = tragedy.


Call me an @$$ but 59 is way TOO OLD to be riding a motorcycle for the first time and should NEVER be recommended. Motorcycling is dangerous enough as it is.

Call me an @$$ but 59 is way TOO OLD to be riding a motorcycle for the first time and should NEVER be recommended. Motorcycling is dangerous enough as it is.

Whoa! It's not way too old to be riding for the first time....? Do you mean if you've never tried it before then you should just forget it?
I think the earlier points were about just hopping on and taking off. There is also a higher fatality rate here (at least from OPP statistics) for older riders out on weekend cruises. I think it's at a stage in life when you can't really on big balls and quick reflexes - training and/or practice in a controlled environment becomes significantly more important - but it certainly isn't too old to learn to ride.
Whoa! It's not way too old to be riding for the first time....? Do you mean if you've never tried it before then you should just forget it?
I think the earlier points were about just hopping on and taking off. There is also a higher fatality rate here (at least from OPP statistics) for older riders out on weekend cruises. I think it's at a stage in life when you can't really on big balls and quick reflexes - training and/or practice in a controlled environment becomes significantly more important - but it certainly isn't too old to learn to ride.

That statistic is only true because based on the cost of the bikes and insurance, that age demographic is just about the only one who can actually afford to ride...
If you don't know how to swim, your first trip should be to a Pool, not trying to swim across Lake Ontario.

49, 59 or 69 years old, no matter. The problem was he hopped on a bigger big than what his skills could account for.
If you don't know how to swim, your first trip should be to a Pool, not trying to swim across Lake Ontario.

49, 59 or 69 years old, no matter. The problem was he hopped on a bigger big than what his skills could account for.

And what kind of responsible dealer would let an inexperienced person like that just ride away. When I picked up my first bike it was raining and the only reason it came home with me that day was because I brought a friend to ride it home for me. The dealer told me straight out that there was no way he would be letting me ride it off the lot unless it was a clear day.
And what kind of responsible dealer would let an inexperienced person like that just ride away. When I picked up my first bike it was raining and the only reason it came home with me that day was because I brought a friend to ride it home for me. The dealer told me straight out that there was no way he would be letting me ride it off the lot unless it was a clear day.

Not all dealers are created equally. Money talks.
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