Male vs. Female Insurance Premiums

I inquired about this with my insurer years ago and was quoted some Ontario insurance law by my agent. I'll have to find it.

If sex/gender actually came into play, then I'd be paying way the hell less for my car and bike insurance than you guys, and I'm simply not. There was also a myth circulating that the colour of the vehicle also played a role in the quote. E.g., you pay more for a red car than a white car. Heck, that myth was even mentioned in one of my university methodology courses years ago by the Prof who insisted it was fact. Again, I inquired and it's a myth.

Premiums are based on the kind of car or bike, it's replacement value, the driving record and age of the applicant, and their postal code. Period. Nothing to do with wether the applicant is female or male, or the colour of the vehicle.

No offence but I have to take the Insurance specialists word for it......
No offence to you, but I asked my agent. A real, flesh and blood person rather than an anonymous individual on a bike forum.

Agents/brokers dont always know what they're talking about... I would trust an Actuarial Analyst on rating systems and rules over an agent.

Experiment with , you will get your answer there. Agents/Brokers use similar rating factors/rules when they do the quote in-house.

I work for an insurance product/rating software company by the way...
Want to give me an insurance break for being a woman? I'd be pretty happy if I got a discount.

Sure, let me just change all the rating factors for you. BRB
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