Makes you cringe

That crash is brutal. I wonder what happened to the rider?
oohhh!! dayam, rough landing... looked like he belly flopped upside down onto that boulder!
Reminds me of breaking 3 ribs at the track last season!
That definitely hurt
His *** is going to hurt tomorrow...
like getting shot out of a cannon feet-first... ouch
My biggest "Sudden Impact" was on skates when I ran into a guy that seemed to be like that boulder. I can't imagine what that rider felt. I was able to breathe on my own after a few minutes.

Anybody else with a "Sudden Impact" moment?
My biggest "Sudden Impact" was on skates when I ran into a guy that seemed to be like that boulder. I can't imagine what that rider felt. I was able to breathe on my own after a few minutes.

Anybody else with a "Sudden Impact" moment?

Lost footing once at a stairway in a house under construction once when the home made temp railing gave way. Fell one storey to the basement. Wasn't a very pleasant experience.
My biggest "Sudden Impact" was on skates when I ran into a guy that seemed to be like that boulder. I can't imagine what that rider felt. I was able to breathe on my own after a few minutes.

Anybody else with a "Sudden Impact" moment?
I've had a few landings that looked like that (sans rock) coming off of the 12 footer on my snowboard. A broken heel one time, a broken wrist another, and a few broken fingers scattered in there for good measure. Needless to say I'm too old to mess around with them anymore and prefer big turns on my all-mountain customX
I was tobogganing, i went 1st in my magic carpet and another kid immediately followed behind with his 6' wood plank. He flew into me really really hard, could not breath for 30 seconds.
the worst is when you have time to contemplate how much the impact is going to hurt. :P
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