magats take over congress

unless you`re a witness summoned to court i don't think you have to answer questions even as the defendant.

I'm not an expert in law, either side of the border but I think it's all or nothing. If you take the stand in your own defense you can be cross examined. I'm sure you can't be forced to testify against your self.

I don't know about grand juries and if they have more power. Can DT be forced to testify against his cronies? Loyalty isn't his middle name. Then do they blab likewise?

The antics could eliminate the need for soap opera writers. What isn't in the plot? We've got sex, violence, insurrection, fraud, politics, revolution, finances, riots, civil rights, ecology, brain washing, all smothered with a layer of Coronavirus ketchup.

I don't know if we'll be laughing or crying. Maybe it'll be like a night at the bar, everyone having a good laugh until they see the tab.
Well said @nobbie48 ... it's all fun and games until someone ends up in cuffs...or dies...or loses something that's near and dear to them.

While I don't know what the legal ramifications are going to be, I do hope they pull through with the threat of a quick impeachment to get the message out that not even POTUS is above the law.

I'm not sure if true but if he's impeached, he:
- loses his 200k/year pension
- loses his $1m/year travel budget
- cannot run again for office

I'd say those send a pretty strong message.
Banning conservatives from twitter/Facebook and then shutting down other social media platforms like gab and parlor etc i think is a mistake.

Normal conservatives still need somewhere to have civil discourse. Remember 75 million people voted Republican in the election. They are not ALL MAGA cultists. There was 100k+ people at that March and only a couple hundred stormed the building, thats less then 1%.

By treating them all as if they are subhuman and shutting down every avenue, people will slowly but surely end up on sites that are designed/able to brainwash them from center right to very far right very quickly. You'll end up going from 0.2% nutters to 50-100% nutters in no time.
Conservatives are not banned from any of these platforms. Only certain people are banned. Unless we are saying Trump and his sycophants represent ALL Conservatives????? The right in the US is fractured, no doubt. 75M people may have voted for Trump but at best less than half of that are truly Trump supporters the rest are people that only vote GOP and/or voted against Biden. They are not being banned anywhere, anyhow.

As for Parler, they will be back, Amazon shutting them down is the downside of building your business in "the cloud" which is someone else's computer, now they need new hosting services. Want to control your destiny build your own infrastructure. As for phone apps, doesn't stop them from just using a web page. Live in someone's house, follow their rules.

The take away, Conservative's freedom of speech has not been infringed. Trump can say whatever he wants, he just can't on someone else's private platform. Other non-Trumper Conservatives are not banned at all.

We don't need big government telling tech companies otherwise, they own it they do what they want. Ban who they want.... run their platforms as they want.
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Banning conservatives from twitter/Facebook and then shutting down other social media platforms like gab and parlor etc i think is a mistake.

Normal conservatives still need somewhere to have civil discourse. Remember 75 million people voted Republican in the election. They are not ALL MAGA cultists. There was 100k+ people at that March and only a couple hundred stormed the building, thats less then 1%.

By treating them all as if they are subhuman and shutting down every avenue, people will slowly but surely end up on sites that are designed/able to brainwash them from center right to very far right very quickly. You'll end up going from 0.2% nutters to 50-100% nutters in no time.

There were supposedly 8000 and they aren’t banning conservatism from sites. They are banning hate speech and seditious behaviour or incitement to violence. There's an issue of culpability for these private companies and in a litigious society its not much of a stretch to believe that the social media companies could be held liable for some criminal activity.
Well said @nobbie48 ... it's all fun and games until someone ends up in cuffs...or dies...or loses something that's near and dear to them.

While I don't know what the legal ramifications are going to be, I do hope they pull through with the threat of a quick impeachment to get the message out that not even POTUS is above the law.

I'm not sure if true but if he's impeached, he:
- loses his 200k/year pension
- loses his $1m/year travel budget
- cannot run again for office

I'd say those send a pretty strong message.

That's if the senate also votes to confirm the impeachment and they add conditions for not running for office. He would also lose his secret service detail too.
That's if the senate also votes to confirm the impeachment and they add conditions for not running for office. He would also lose his secret service detail too.
The sweetest part of all this is he's going to start losing his licensing deals for his name.

So far I've read (briefly):
- PGA removing any events at Trump properties
- All buildings in NY removing Trump's name (they're not his buildings, just licensed to use the name apparently)

I hope that's just the start.
- cannot run again for office
this is a not true, impeachment does not bar him from running again. That's a separate specific vote in the Senate.

edit: whoops @jc100 beat me to it.
His knucklehead supporters wont go away, this tard's name will become a battle cry for the supporting cast of Duck Dynasty.

How long since the south lost the civil war, or war of northern aggression, depending on which side of the line your on, and the "flag of the confederacy" (yes its not thier flag... blah blah) still gets paraded around by these guys. Surprised there were no white hoods in the crowd.
I think there are more than confederate stalwarts, that dog pack was just the uglyiest pointy part of the spear.

It’s a polarized country. Don’t forget almost 1/2 voted for the madman, a 1% swing in GA, PA and AZ would have returned Trump for 4 years.

Biden got the “anything but Trump” vote which is more than 1%.

I’ll bet the next conservative leader won’t alienate the hard liners... I will bet he will be devisive.

I see the biggest challenge for Biden being unifying the country. This will not be easy if the party rolls the social agenda too aggressively.

I think he sees and understands. I don’t know if his party does.
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