magats take over congress

Most interesting to me is the rhetoric from conservative politicians saying that now is the time to move on and unify the country, trying to impeach Trump and hold people to blame will only serve to further divide Americans


Hmmmm, wonder where all of these voices were when the large majority of the Republican party was baselessly accusing Biden of voter fraud and stating it was a sham election. It's as if they can't connect the dots.
I saw the video of the ex army lady getting shot in the neck and then the MBC footage of her naked body on a stretcher
Wtf is wrong with America

Took a day or two, after I laughed about it, to realize wait...I've never seen this for real before. We really don't want it to get worse than this.

Fingers crossed the dumb fucks on both sides come to senses.
As far as I know there’s an investigation into any shooting by a police officer in most western countries. It’s standard procedure.
It is standard protocol. That will be interesting to watch.

It looks like the Pentagon is considering providing her special honours that allows a burial at Arlington - a rare allowance if it happens. I wonder what’s behind that?
Also, jc100 gave a screen-shot, but that reporter's Twitter feed is really good:

It has come to my attention that a Capitol Police officer who was involved in Wednesday's events has committed suicide.

And ... Remember on video, the black Capitol Police officer who was seen on video running away from the mob, running up the stairs as the mob chased him up the stairs and down a hallway?

The direction he chose at the top of those stairs, was the direction away from the not-yet-locked-down Senate chamber.
false equivalency....BLM was a movement that spurred protest against police brutality committed in various cities around the US. What happened yesterday was that some idiots thought they could attack the seat of democracy in the US with sitting government officials to overturn a democratic process.

Most of the rioters/insurrectionists yesterday had crossed state lines to commit their crimes. Guess what that means?

IIRC convicted felons can't ever vote or own guns.
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