m2 exit oshawa anyone?

Mine is coming up in a few weeks. I'll keep you posted. If I forget, just message me.

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roads and highways.

Cmon matthew you can be a little more specific! Lemme try:
Residential and commercial roads, and highways.
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You should not need any "useful information". No tips or tricks, you either know how to ride on a public road or you do not. If you have been riding regularly for the last few years you will have no issue. If using your bike controls, i.e. clutch, breaks, blinkers, etc do not feel like second nature then you need to get out more.

Just obey the rules of the road, over exaggerate your shoulder checks and shoulder check A LOT. They want to see the shoulder checks and for them to see it, it needs to be very over aggregated. Again, if you have been riding regularly and are competent on the bike, you will pass it with flying colours.
got my m2 exit booked for Oshawa in June anyone have the route they use? or any other useful information about this location?

You dont need any information.... They use both commercial and residential streets... Just hold your nerves and your good to go. I did my M2 exit in Oshawa last year through RTI as well and it was a fun day...
I did my m2 exit in Oshawa a number of years back. They do take you on residential and main roads and be sure to keep an eye on those one ways. As everyone has said make sure you over exaggerate the shoulder checks and stay at speed limit. When accelerating off a light it's OK to accelerate fast as long as you are in control and exhibit that but don't go above speed limit.

Post #411 provides the route, and post #440 provides a video of the route, and posts in between those two have additional info about the Oshawa location (btw the extra lane/bus lane some warn about is no longer there, was removed to make room for bike lanes.

I'm puzzled why more people with their m2exit coming up don't simply read that entire thread, if you ride anywhere near proficiently and read that whole thread you cannot fail (probably lol).
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