M1 exit..(M2) | Page 2 | GTAMotorcycle.com

M1 exit..(M2)

Ummm maybe they changed the law? When I got my M2 in 2004 it had to be through a course, nobody ever game me a choice and I'm 100% sure that I asked around and got the same answer all the time.

What the hell? You cant take your M2 at the ministry it has to be through a college no?

Ummm maybe they changed the law? When I got my M2 in 2004 it had to be through a course, nobody ever game me a choice and I'm 100% sure that I asked around and got the same answer all the time.

No.... they just really really try to steer you towards taking the course. In your case it worked.

The ministry test... think of it this way. With the course, the instructors are all motorcyclist and are passionate about riding. The ministry.... the testers don't even have to know how a bike works. They have just been through training for what to look for and what to mark or not mark.

Maybe I'm biased but I'd rather do a test with a motorcyclist behind the pen a paper, than someone who knows nothing about motorcycling. Thats worth the additional $350 to me.
No.... they just really really try to steer you towards taking the course. In your case it worked.

The ministry test... think of it this way. With the course, the instructors are all motorcyclist and are passionate about riding. The ministry.... the testers don't even have to know how a bike works. They have just been through training for what to look for and what to mark or not mark.

Maybe I'm biased but I'd rather do a test with a motorcyclist behind the pen a paper, than someone who knows nothing about motorcycling. Thats worth the additional $350 to me.

Don't you teach at a riding school?
Don't you teach at a riding school?

Yes and your point?

I teach M1x not M2x. And I actually went through a different school when I did my courses (didnt know there were other schools then). Its all the same stuff, just different teaching styles.
Yes and your point?

I teach M1x not M2x. And I actually went through a different school when I did my courses (didnt know there were other schools then). Its all the same stuff, just different teaching styles.

My point is you favour riding schools for M1 exit (which the OP was referring to) and you also teach the M1 exit at a riding school.
My point is you favour riding schools for M1 exit (which the OP was referring to) and you also teach the M1 exit at a riding school.

My opinion is based on knowing how the mto people are trained. A process I've learned the details of since becoming an instructor yes. But thats the reason not because I am an instructor. Though I'm sure you won't believe that. Your welcome to your opinion. Won't change the truth. Want to go through mto... Great save yourself a ton of cash. Are there benefits to the course? I'd say so. But that's my opinion not nessesarily anyone else's. I'm less biased than you want to prove me to be. But go ahead and believe differently.
My opinion is based on knowing how the mto people are trained. A process I've learned the details of since becoming an instructor yes. But thats the reason not because I am an instructor. Though I'm sure you won't believe that. Your welcome to your opinion. Won't change the truth. Want to go through mto... Great save yourself a ton of cash. Are there benefits to the course? I'd say so. But that's my opinion not nessesarily anyone else's. I'm less biased than you want to prove me to be. But go ahead and believe differently.

You said so much yet at the same time said very little, you must be practicing to be a politician.

It's too bad we can't put moderators on the ignore list.
you sir should go for a motorcycle ride and quit being petty on the interwebs.
^^^ this

whats complicated to understand here?

get taught by someone who takes his job at heart (as its also their hobby) and wants you to learn and will probably consider that effort from all the weekend spent with them when evaluating you


get evaluated by someone who prolly doesnt wanna be there but just wants his government job paycheck and prolly doesnt care too much about you since you're only another number in his day

are there other intricacies that need to be explained?
You said so much yet at the same time said very little, you must be practicing to be a politician.

It's too bad we can't put moderators on the ignore list.

LMAO. Nice try to spur me into a fight, you apparently skimmed the part where I discreetly said I don’t care what your opinion is, nor am I going to try to change it. Now can we please get back on topic.

you sir should go for a motorcycle ride and quit being petty on the interwebs.

You rock! Xoxo
Looking forward to riding with you around VaBeach!

^^^ this

whats complicated to understand here?

get taught by someone who takes his job at heart (as its also their hobby) and wants you to learn and will probably consider that effort from all the weekend spent with them when evaluating you


get evaluated by someone who prolly doesnt wanna be there but just wants his government job paycheck and prolly doesnt care too much about you since you're only another number in his day

are there other intricacies that need to be explained?

You said it perfectly. Same thing I said but in words perhaps Matthew can understand.
My point is you favour riding schools for M1 exit (which the OP was referring to) and you also teach the M1 exit at a riding school.

And you sir, are looking for controversy where there is none. As a long time, but returning rider who's experienced Cat's teaching, I learned some important things about my bad habits. I wish they had schools like this when I originally took my license, I was self taught and tested by the ministry, I had a poor teacher and worse examiner, the course was money well spent imho.
I was taught by my older brother many many moons back but I never pursued riding. I have rented many motorcycles and scooters while on vacation and considered myself a good rider. I recently decided I wanted a bike and I got my M1 and did the M1X at RTI. It was money well spent IMHO. I picked up a lot of good habits that I did not practice before.
About the failing delay, I just asked whiler booking a M1 exit, and I am told there is a 3-day wait delay to retry. Since spots are scarce (and usually in mornings!), anyone failing it should simply call Drivetest right away to reschedule (although it will cost another $60 or so).

About courses, my take would be it's all about the instructor and group size. Not every brain learns the same way, so if you don't think and react like most, the instructor would have to either adapt to your ways or, what happened to me was I was subtly discouraged from persevering by that person who had only one method of teaching. You just can't predict this though...

Good luck in any case!
About the failing delay, I just asked whiler booking a M1 exit, and I am told there is a 3-day wait delay to retry. Since spots are scarce (and usually in mornings!), anyone failing it should simply call Drivetest right away to reschedule (although it will cost another $60 or so).

About courses, my take would be it's all about the instructor and group size. Not every brain learns the same way, so if you don't think and react like most, the instructor would have to either adapt to your ways or, what happened to me was I was subtly discouraged from persevering by that person who had only one method of teaching. You just can't predict this though...

Good luck in any case!

I just recently competed RTI, The class size was in the range of maybe 25 people and out if the 25 i think maybe 3 failed. in my opinion the people that falled had no place on a motorcycle. I also had one season (10 years ago) on a gsxr-750 and maybe 500 hours on dirt bikes on B.C logging roads and trails. And i still learned something there. i would recomend a coarse to anyone who is thinking of getting a M in ontatio or anywhere for that matter. Even if you think you dont need it.
For anyone else's Benefit, I'll answer my own question, Thoug Joe250's answer was probably the best way to know for sure.

When I checked two weeks ago it was about a two week wait (I just passed my M2 today). Spoke with their staff, for M1 exit tests, it tends to float around 2 weeks to a month wait. Though on rare occasions it get's even below a 1 week wait. (this was for the Lawrence & Victoria Park DriveTest center)

In adhering to the addiage "Prepare for the worst, hope for the best", I'd say schedule your road test as soon as you get your M1. If not, then call around for times.

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