M1 Beginner Bike & Insurance

i got my M1 couple of week ago,Thinkin to own kawasaki Vulcan 900 custom 2015,Called TD canada and their price $3800,Statefarm you have to have G class of 5 yr exp which i dont have,all state same ****,so,finally Mantha insurace is willing to do,$1850..Folks,any recommendition is highly apericate!
i got my M1 couple of week ago,Thinkin to own kawasaki Vulcan 900 custom 2015,Called TD canada and their price $3800,Statefarm you have to have G class of 5 yr exp which i dont have,all state same ****,so,finally Mantha insurace is willing to do,$1850..Folks,any recommendition is highly apericate!

My BF is with Mantha and his rate is great - he's been riding a harley for years (1600cc) seems like Mantha is really good for the higher cc bikes - statefarm is good for the lower cc bikes and longer Gclass experience....when I got my quotes through the other providers they were decent, so my BF also called around to see if he could get a better rate - they were all way over what Mantha was giving him...seems like you got a good deal considering the bike and your Gclass history.

Congrats on your M1! Safe Riding :)
StateFarm is generally only good for insuring people with M1 license and some super sports. Other than that, you can generally find better quotes with other companies.

As for Allstate, they have weak reputation in the States. Based on statistics, in Canada, they are in top half for client satisfaction and so is StateFarm, btw.

LOL, i'm not sure if you're trying to be facetious with your post..?

Can you post sources for your "top half client satisfaction". I showed your post to a buddy who exclusively does insurance law as a lawyer and he started laughing and said you must have gotten your statistics from the F.I.S.O -- forever inebriated statistics office LOL.

Does top satisfied clients include how aprox 70,000 homes were in ruins, in which statefarm insured aprox half of these and refused to pay for when katrina happened?

Or maybe the "top satisfied clients" you're talking about is how a court found that statefarm knowingly and purposely committed fraud
Which of these "top satisfied clients" include?
"Court: State Farm Committed Fraud in Katrina Case
April 9, 2013
A federal jury in Mississippi finds State Farm committed fraud against the government’s National Flood Insurance Program by submitting a fraudulent flood claim following Hurricane Katrina.
The eight-member jury reportedly deliberated for about three hours to decide the whistleblower lawsuit filed 7 years ago by former independent insurance adjusters Cori and Kerri Rigsby against State Farm under the False Claims Act."

Or maybe your top satisfied clients include how statefarm committed fraud and made the state of Mississippi aid programs pay over $500 million that was supposed to be paid by statefarm to clients of statefarm who's claims they refused to pay when katrina happened?

Aside from the above, even if statefarm or allstate offered me insurance for $40/year I still wouldn't take it. I know 4 different people who's lives have been ruined because of statefarm and allstate. Again, yes they are cheap, but it's for a reason.

Theres really no point of me posting details of why they are terrible here because most regular people won't understand all the lawyer/legal jargon.. but anyways.

You should google "insurance denial lawyer + your local area" in google and call a few lawyers around and see what they tell you about snakefarm and allsnake. They both are famous for 'void ab initio'. I personally know someone who works at one of the 2, and it's incredible the lengths they go to, to try and find some "material" thing to use to void a policy from the date of the "error" or ab initio.
They are the scumbags of the scum when it comes to insurance.
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I went with RidersPlus in Toronto. Best rate with a clean record.

congrats on the bike too! just got mine a week or so back. got a 2014 CBR500R ABS
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