M Licensing Course for insurance discount

Neither did Desjardins, I got my M last year and didn't make any difference to them. In fact, I thanked them for not increasing my rate lol

I did mine from MTO. Failed the first time (100% my fault) and got it on the 2nd try. Used the money I saved to do a course from Supersonic.
I did mine via MTO as well. No discount on rates as per my insurance (Riding school or MTO for M compared to M2)

I would assume doing it via riding school helps reinforce good riding practice. Additionally, it looks like getting an MTO test slot is very difficult these days
Did my first M not last summer but the one before. Victoria Park. Failed as I didn’t merge fast enough and purportedly caused someone to switch lanes, pass me, and then merge back in front. On the last day of the season too which was annoying. Wasn’t really too impressed with that decision since the guy was doing at minimum - 130 in the far right… oh well, my fault I suppose. Did it again in London pouring storm because I could NOT find any other times last Summer and was afraid they’d cancel the Covid extension coming into this year. Was absolutely soaked and freezing coming back downtown. Passed though. No change of clothes AND no change on rates hahaha
Did my first M not last summer but the one before. Victoria Park. Failed as I didn’t merge fast enough and purportedly caused someone to switch lanes, pass me, and then merge back in front. On the last day of the season too which was annoying. Wasn’t really too impressed with that decision since the guy was doing at minimum - 130 in the far right… oh well, my fault I suppose. Did it again in London pouring storm because I could NOT find any other times last Summer and was afraid they’d cancel the Covid extension coming into this year. Was absolutely soaked and freezing coming back downtown. Passed though. No change of clothes AND no change on rates hahaha

A good examiner would have told you to merge at the speed of traffic. Since it sounds like you chose MTO I’m not surprised. You don’t even need to understand how a motorcycle operates to be an examiner.
Did my first M not last summer but the one before. Victoria Park. Failed as I didn’t merge fast enough and purportedly caused someone to switch lanes, pass me, and then merge back in front. On the last day of the season too which was annoying. Wasn’t really too impressed with that decision since the guy was doing at minimum - 130 in the far right… oh well, my fault I suppose. Did it again in London pouring storm because I could NOT find any other times last Summer and was afraid they’d cancel the Covid extension coming into this year. Was absolutely soaked and freezing coming back downtown. Passed though. No change of clothes AND no change on rates hahaha

It’s for this reason that I have confirmed with the examiner during both G and M tests that I would be merging at the speed of the highway, be it crawling at 40 or going at 120, is that your expectation as well? Both times they have affirmed.

This past M test, while merging on the highway the 2nd time, I merged at a snail’s pace because that was the how the cars were crawling.

It was expected, because I took a printout of my score sheet at the end from the drivetest centre, and there were no remarks (tick marks) against the overall highway portion of the test.
Did my first M not last summer but the one before. Victoria Park. Failed as I didn’t merge fast enough and purportedly caused someone to switch lanes, pass me, and then merge back in front. On the last day of the season too which was annoying. Wasn’t really too impressed with that decision since the guy was doing at minimum - 130 in the far right… oh well, my fault I suppose. Did it again in London pouring storm because I could NOT find any other times last Summer and was afraid they’d cancel the Covid extension coming into this year. Was absolutely soaked and freezing coming back downtown. Passed though. No change of clothes AND no change on rates hahaha
That's exactly how my 2nd test went. Last Oct in a heavy downpour. I did it in Oshawa because that was the only available slot, and I didn't even have waterproof gear.

I had to ride back in that rain to East York. Was grinning ear to ear though since I passed, would have been such a fail if I hadn't passed.
A good examiner would have told you to merge at the speed of traffic. Since it sounds like you chose MTO I’m not surprised. You don’t even need to understand how a motorcycle operates to be an examiner.
Well, I kind of have to disagree with you here.
The M test is to get your full M, as you know. You should know what you’re doing. The testers are not there to coach you at all, but rather give you instructions, and it’s up to you to do it safely.

If you’re going for your M, you should already know that you should be merging at the speed of traffic.

So, as unfortunate as Wyled’s incident was, he performed a merge that wasn’t in safety and another vehicle had to react to avoid a collision. This is a 100% guaranteed fail no matter if you take the test with the MTO or at a private school.
Well, I kind of have to disagree with you here.
The M test is to get your full M, as you know. You should know what you’re doing. The testers are not there to coach you at all, but rather give you instructions, and it’s up to you to do it safely.

If you’re going for your M, you should already know that you should be merging at the speed of traffic.

So, as unfortunate as Wyled’s incident was, he performed a merge that wasn’t in safety and another vehicle had to react to avoid a collision. This is a 100% guaranteed fail no matter if you take the test with the MTO or at a private school.

That’s exactly my point. The MTO does not care, nor understand nuances of a motorcycle.
If you're doing the M2X test with Drivetest/MTO, make sure you go over the entire route before hitting the road (don't let them rush you to start before you're clear on what's expected). The earpiece they had me wear was like a torture device and between the tester's accent, the terrible earpiece and the road noise I couldn't make out anything they were saying. Since I knew the route I just executed the next manouver on the checklist (turns, parking, lane change, etc) whenever I heard a squawk. I passed fine, but apparently I missed an instruction on the highway portion because I couldn't hear the tester at all.

I took the M1X course with RTI and it was a great time. I looked into the M2X course and didn't feel it was justified for me.
If you're doing the M2X test with Drivetest/MTO, make sure you go over the entire route before hitting the road (don't let them rush you to start before you're clear on what's expected). The earpiece they had me wear was like a torture device and between the tester's accent, the terrible earpiece and the road noise I couldn't make out anything they were saying. Since I knew the route I just executed the next manouver on the checklist (turns, parking, lane change, etc) whenever I heard a squawk. I passed fine, but apparently I missed an instruction on the highway portion because I couldn't hear the tester at all.

I took the M1X course with RTI and it was a great time. I looked into the M2X course and didn't feel it was justified for me.
This perfectly sums up why I don't want to do it through MTO.
Mine is scheduled for October with Learning Curves. I decided to just spend the money instead of struggle to get an appointment with MTO, as well as taking chances on perhaps having a bad experience such as bad examiner/earpiece etc etc. Or having something weird happen that is just due to the randomness of the world that would get you a fail at MTO. Ain't got the time or patience for "kinda" rolling the dice.
Well, I kind of have to disagree with you here.
The M test is to get your full M, as you know. You should know what you’re doing. The testers are not there to coach you at all, but rather give you instructions, and it’s up to you to do it safely.

If you’re going for your M, you should already know that you should be merging at the speed of traffic.

So, as unfortunate as Wyled’s incident was, he performed a merge that wasn’t in safety and another vehicle had to react to avoid a collision. This is a 100% guaranteed fail no matter if you take the test with the MTO or at a private school.

I recall on my test the highway traffic was bad, and in typical Ontario driver fashion nobody was giving any gaps for merging vehicles. I had to let several go past me before I found a gap to slide in.

I got dinged for “not matching speed of traffic while merging”. I guess I was supposed to bomb down the on-ramp at highway speed and cut in as the lane ended? Still passed though, so I dunno.

Correction: I had to slow down a bit, I wasn’t stopped on the on-ramp by any means
I recall on my test the highway traffic was bad, and in typical Ontario driver fashion nobody was giving any gaps for merging vehicles. I had to let several go past me before I found a gap to slide in.

I got dinged for “not matching speed of traffic while merging”. I guess I was supposed to bomb down the on-ramp at highway speed and cut in as the lane ended? Still passed though, so I dunno.

Correction: I had to slow down a bit, I wasn’t stopped on the on-ramp by any means
That's ridiculous. I wonder if they have to ding you for at least something.
I have one question, my 18 months will be complete in January 2023, is there a way I can give the book test earlier with riding school around October or November but I receive my M license in January 2023.

Because I am moving to Alberta next year, so I might be selling my motorcycle by the end of the year.
I have one question, my 18 months will be complete in January 2023, is there a way I can give the book test earlier with riding school around October or November but I receive my M license in January 2023.

Because I am moving to Alberta next year, so I might be selling my motorcycle by the end of the year.
Not possible
I was thankful for my Learningcurves M-exit experience. It was a good day of refreshing skills and weeding out bad habits, and I'll have to make a habit of doing a check every now and then to see how many are creeping back in.

My highway portion was fairly smooth, and my examiners did a good job of using the chase car to keep all the andretti wannabes at bay to give me a safe gap to change lanes, where my immediate preference would have been not to, under existing circumstances, within the distance allowed by the test.

I think the course was worth the money, if you have it to spare, and I'm sure other competitors courses offer the same experience.
A good examiner would have told you to merge at the speed of traffic. Since it sounds like you chose MTO I’m not surprised. You don’t even need to understand how a motorcycle operates to be an examiner.

That’s exactly my point. The MTO does not care, nor understand nuances of a motorcycle.

Examiner's aren't allowed to instruct you during the exam, whether they're from a school or the MTO. That should have already been covered by the school within the instruction portion.

Different schools have different M2X courses with different numbers of students at a time. They also filter students out of the exam differently.
Try to file the cost of the motorcycle course under Tuition when you do you Income Tax. Not sure how many years you can go back. Worth a try!
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