Yep it's GINT0324. I've never ridden on a motorcycle or even a dirt bike before, so I'm not sure how i'd handle myself on a bike, my Ontario Works worker was nice enough to give me the $130 to sign up for it. If it goes well & I decide to go for my Licence then she'll give me $80 for the M1 Package (the $500 for the M1X course would be to much for them unless I already have a job lined up & need it for transportation to & from work, so if I take the M1X course it'd need to come out of my own pocket). I live in a rural town, nearest city bus stop is about a 1 and a halfish hour walk (according to google maps, it's 1 hour 34 minutes, 7.9km), For the cost of a decent-good ebike i'm sure I could find a decent Scooter or Cruiser in the 125-250cc range (Maybe Max of 500cc) that would be faster & have a better Range, just need to Register, Safety & Insure it & Pay insurance every month + a Tank of Gas might only cost roughly $12 assuming a 9L tank & would last a week, maybe 2 or more compared to a ebike that might need to be recharged after every round trip(if it makes it on the charge)
as for gear, it's as you mentioned:
Besides a helmet, gloves would be mandatory as we can't touch the bikes with our bare hands (I have some work gloves that should be ok)
For jacket, I have a old work king jacket that i'm hoping would be decent enough
For pants, I have some jeans (with no holes, so I won't need their duct tape to cover the holes)
As for Boots, I have some green rubber boots that Might be ok? if not then I have 1 or 2 pairs or steel toes, hopefully one of them would cover my ankles otherwise if the green rubbers or steel toes are not enough then I need some boots also.
I currently have about $170 to go towards stuff, I was hoping to get my fishing licence this month that should be $30-35 so that would leave me with $135-140 for a helmet & whatever else I'd need. Checking Canadian Tire they have 1 helmet (3/4 w/visor) at the Elmira location for $100 ($113 after Tax) where I could get my fishing licence also that would leave me with roughly $23-27 for whatever else I need, another option is the Waterloo location on Weber street where I could get a 1/2 helmet for $60-70 (about $68-79 after tax, maybe call & get it some transferred to the Elmira location to try on there?), or I could check out Zdeno Cycle on Victoria street & go to Natural Sports for my fishing licence.