Low / No Stock

Unless they are last years, I doubt they have them in stock.
Most Tire shops have already placed their orders for their winter tires for this coming winter.
They usually do this in the spring.
Unless they ordered low stock, you should be OK.
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OK then, looks like it's time for some new winter tires/rims for the Volt.
Most Tire shops have already placed their orders for their winter tires for this coming winters.
They usually do this in the spring.
Unless they ordered low stock, you should be OK.
They've ordered but I dont think they physically show up until fall. Now that is a normal year, maybe this year they will get them asap so they aren't stuck on a boat and arrive next may. No idea on manufacturing schedule.
I was at a job site today that involves modernizing a bunch of electrical panels and robots to get another 6 years of production out of the line. Supposed to be doing a piece at a time each weekend over the next couple of months while running production during the week (which is a headache in itself).

Can't get electrical parts. We're screwed. Allen-Bradley is apparently 4 - 6 weeks behind for what parts that they can get at all.

edit: To add injury to insult, the assembly plant that this line feeds is itself shut down due to the semiconductor shortage, which means that if we could get parts, we could do the job over the next couple of weeks since the line is not running anyhow, except we can't get parts, so we can't make use of the down time!
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