Loud Pipes Save Lives

I need this on a t shirt.
I know a couple, married with a 2 year old daughter. Wife still has to go into another room or hold farts in their own home, won't crap or fart in front of the husband.
How one can live life like, that I don't know.
Sounds to me like she's got some manners and basic courtesy. I have a SIL who rips them anytime, anywhere. She not afraid of rippin out hisser anywhere. She's made my eyes water in the car, cleared a hundred rooms, and a couple of years back smoked out a Christmas table, I think my dog gave he the stink eye once.

Nothing wrong with leaving the room to fart.
Sounds to me like she's got some manners and basic courtesy. I have a SIL who rips them anytime, anywhere. She not afraid of rippin out hisser anywhere. She's made my eyes water in the car, cleared a hundred rooms, and a couple of years back smoked out a Christmas table, I think my dog gave he the stink eye once.

Nothing wrong with leaving the room to fart.
That's gross. I'd agree with SIL, extended family or friends.
I meant just the husband and wife together. I do not fart in the room with friends or in-laws.

I fart in front of my wife and vice versa. Heck my daughter and parents are fair game as well. Do not need that much courtesy for immediate family. If one of us has seen the other naked, neither should be embarrassed or concerned about a fart.
Oh, to be married and be able to fart whenever. As a bachelor, trying to establish a quality relationship with a new woman would be MUCH easier if I didn't have to get up and leave the room every 5 minutes. And she will hear it anyway unless loud music is playing or you have a special pillow stashed somewhere to fart into.
Maybe I’m just getting old, but I’ve got really low tolerance for stupid **** lately
We're all getting older
Oh, to be married and be able to fart whenever. As a bachelor, trying to establish a quality relationship with a new woman would be MUCH easier if I didn't have to get up and leave the room every 5 minutes. And she will hear it anyway unless loud music is playing or you have a special pillow stashed somewhere to fart into.
I watched a series on YouTube (parody) about trying to get the fart out of the way during a first date. It was pretty funny as the girl sets all the things up, like eating lots or dairy, and vegetables etc. to get the guy to fart, but it actually ends up being her that blasts out the first one and she sh!ts her pants... While a comedy it kind of dives into all the insecurities people have while dating.
I was riding home last week and a guy in a Jeep with the window open moved into my lane cutting me off, forcing me to slam on my brakes. I saw him look in his mirror and say "Oh a motorcycle!". He didn't check his blind spot. My KTM is very, very silent. If I had my Harley he would have heard me, absolutely no doubt.
"That seems like a dangerous assumption"
...says the guy that's deaf as a post on the left side, so it's just noise, with no direction (That's me) (... and a lot of other older folks)

I might agree, but several times I've seen people look back when they hear my Harley. Maybe I should post vids of that?
I might agree, but several times I've seen people look back when they hear my Harley. Maybe I should post vids of that?
I am certain that loud pipes help save lives. It stands to reason. Funny that something so obvious can generate such a long thread which luckily includes more pressing issues like flatulence.
Maybe not what the threads intended for but I wonder if my loud pipes actually save me from the wild life. I have the hot bodies shorty exhausts on my busa and yea, it sounds like a diesel freight train coming through. However I live in animal country where when I'm driving my truck I see deer crossing the road every single day; bears, and moose are not uncommon either. However on my motorcycle fortunately I've never seen any crossing the road. Chalk that up too good luck or maybe the exhaust is scaring the hell out of them to keep away entirely.
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