Lost only key!! Re-keying Ninja??

Very useful info everybody! got a quote for $45 if i bring the cylinder in.

so far looks like easiest will be to bring in the helmet lock, and go back a maximum of 5 more times til that 6th cylinder works.

thanks y'all, will let u know when im back on the road ;o)
Very useful info everybody! got a quote for $45 if i bring the cylinder in.

so far looks like easiest will be to bring in the helmet lock, and go back a maximum of 5 more times til that 6th cylinder works.

thanks y'all, will let u know when im back on the road ;o)

My guy will come to your place, pick your gas cap, dissasemble it and make a key for about $160.....If you are able to bring him the locks its much much cheaper....
Forget going back 5 times! the correct answer is:

Take off Helmet lock, take to store (the KEY Code is stamped on back of this lock).

Man makes new key - which works pefectly in *all* locks including ignition

$22 taxes in! :o) Wish I had done this 2 weeks ago haha

too bad the dealer can't offer this service, when I called them he said they couldnt make a key from the code. useless!
Just thought I'd weigh in here.. I lost my only gas tank key a couple of weeks ago, and found the recommendation for ACME. I called them and they said they couldn't help me, but referred me to A-OK Locksmiths (416-467-0000). I called them today, and they came within an hour, and had me a new key in 30 minutes for $95.

Really fast service, decent price, I highly recommend them.
Too much work.
Just remove the top triple and take that to the locksmith... or just get the locksmith to come to the bike.
Alvin's Lock Service, they're in the book, does service calls for $90.

Maybe three/four years ago. I called them up and they quoted me $425 minimum to come to the bike. What the ****. Called up A-Ok Locksmiths and got Peter and his son Steve coming tomorrow for $150 total. What an expensive **** up. At least I'm getting two copies made. Sheesh.

Bike: Ninja 650r
Dundas Lock & Key
178 King Street West, Dundas, ON L9H 1V4
Telephone : 905-627-7985

I have used them 5 times for bike keys. Good service and a fair price.
Wow i lost my key at mosport this weekend so I need a key asap. Any cheap solutions for Newmarket area?
So I called 6 lock smith companies and all but one hung up after hearing the word motorcycle. Wtf?
For you guys who got the key code off the bike, who did you take it to?
I'm seeing prices, but no locations.
I need to get a key cut ASAP.
I don't know where mine went, and can't afford to miss out on the nice weather this upcoming weekend.
Edge performance just ordered me 2 keys for $22 They are blank and then you hve to take the lock cylinder to a lock smith and have them make
An impression and cut your blank keys accordingly. I got a price for a
Local ls at $25 for the impression and the cut is free if I bring him keys
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