Lost front brake pressure after winter storage


Well-known member
Before winter storage, the following were done on the bike (front brake) 2001 Honda F4i:

New braided line
Rebuild master cylinder
Rebuild from calipers

Bled properly, no air, got good consistent pressure, ridden without any issue.

Stored for winter with the usual things, new oil and filter, fresh gas + stabil, tire pressure, off the ground on front and rear stand etc.

So the other day I finally was able to bring her back from hibernation but grabbing the front brake there was no pressure, so I pump a few times and the pressure came back. Test rode it and it seems fine.

Anybody experienced this?
Was the bike trailered?Sometimes the caliper pistons can get pushed in when the front wheel gets wiggled back and forth in the resrtaint.
You might also want to have your front wheel bearings checked, just in case...
yup.. pin broke, pad fell out,, pumped up pressure.... thought it was weird... but felt ok ... about 100km later I decided to have a real close look.. and the freakin pad was gone!! the piston was touching the rotor and wasn't even making a strange noise..
Thanks, I'll definitely re-check everything.

yup.. pin broke, pad fell out,, pumped up pressure.... thought it was weird... but felt ok ... about 100km later I decided to have a real close look.. and the freakin pad was gone!! the piston was touching the rotor and wasn't even making a strange noise..
Did you switch to a different brake fluid? stick to DOT4.......fluids like FBR600 are very hygroscopic.
Just a thought - was it parked on its side stand over the winter ?
I've seen instances on cruisers where the brakes need pumping back up after being stored that way.
Thanks but it was up on front and rear stands.

Just a thought - was it parked on its side stand over the winter ?
I've seen instances on cruisers where the brakes need pumping back up after being stored that way.
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