Looking to learn manual / buy,rent a beater??


Well-known member
So I want to learn to drive a manual now. None of my friends drive standard, so I'm wondering if anybody wants to lend/rend/sell their beater. I'm just searching kijiji for something like $400.
The days of a sub500 dollar car are gone man.

Those kinds of deals don't really happen 'online'. They would be gone too fast. Might find one in a barn, or from some crazy old lady.

Any car that will pass a safety, will get at least 1000k

Do you have a guy who is 'loose' on what he calls a safety

If you don't want to plate it, and just want to ride in a lot, an auction or even a scrapyard might work.
yeah no kidding, this is tougher than i thought. Maybe I can cut a deal at a wrecker and just practice on the lot .
Buy a 500$ car and scrap it when you're done. You won't lose much.
I'll keep you in mind if I get a cheap 5-speeder and I know a guy that can help you certify it real cheap.
I'd say that all you really need to learn how to master is 1st gear from a dead stop. Maybe see if you can rent a 5-spd car for a day and go practice on some up-hills. :D
Don't forget to factor in plating/registration + insurance, plus time running around getting all of this done.
I can also help with that, an appraisal will help with the taxes, insurance well... that's a given.
The only thing I would worry about is the E. test if it's not already valid.
I'd say that all you really need to learn how to master is 1st gear from a dead stop. Maybe see if you can rent a 5-spd car for a day and go practice on some up-hills. :D
Learn to start from a hill without using gas and you'll be the smoothest manual driver in the world. No lie - if you can perfect that, then slight inclines and flat roads are a breeze and it can be smoother than automatics.

I was actually gonna say that the 500 dollar cars are beat to ****, but then I realized that those are the best cars to learn on since it's so easy to stall crappy clutch. The deals are still there, but you need to check at least twice a day 'cause they go quick.
+1 on renting. Why buy a new(old) car for this purpose. After two(maybe one) solid days you'll be good enough to practice on your friends cars without riding the clutch too much. Plus you ride so you'll be used to the friction point. Like someone said if you can move from a hill the rest will be a piece of cake.
Another route is borrow you friends car and offer partial cash to upgrade thier clutch after your done.
Yeah, i figure I really just need one for a few hours. The problem is finding a damn standard in this city! I don't mind paying either.
Learn to start from a hill without using gas and you'll be the smoothest manual driver in the world. No lie - if you can perfect that, then slight inclines and flat roads are a breeze and it can be smoother than automatics.

I was actually gonna say that the 500 dollar cars are beat to ****, but then I realized that those are the best cars to learn on since it's so easy to stall crappy clutch. The deals are still there, but you need to check at least twice a day 'cause they go quick.

How does one roll their manual car on a hill without using gas? Some magic cars you must be driving
How does one roll their manual car on a hill without using gas? Some magic cars you must be driving
Probably means without the gas pedal, just using the clutch to hold the car.
It's all about knowing your cars friction point. I've had 1990 isuzu trooper, 2000 civic sir and 2005 c230. There is no hill I would stall with those cars. Mind u I did stall but when I got used to the car I didnt

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