Looking to get into long distance riding, need some pointers

Perhaps, I'll take an Ontario tour this summer instead and save a lot of money until I'm more experienced. Any recommended routes?

I'll probably be doing the same, and then head out west next season. Exploring Ontario is a pretty great time.. anything North or East is pretty cool. Just go to the squigglies on the map:D
I've always found someone willing to spray while I tilt the bike up on it's kickstand. Worse case senario, I started carrying a trail jack that I can prop up the KLR with, although the bandit has a center stand. I usually lube the chain once every two or three tanks of gas with a light spray.

Oil changes, I'm bad that way, I'd do the whole ride on fresh oil then dump it when I got home. The longest trip was 8,000km to Newfoundland last year, although a West Coast ride might need tire, and oil changes added into that mix. The dusty ride across the Trans Labrador saw us clean our air filters...

Badger Newfoundland... I cleaned it off with camp stove fuel, then reoiled it with motor oil...

8000 km on a Kenda 270 17" Rear. Now useless for the trail, but still a bit of highway left in it.

Did I ever mention that I love my KLR? :P

Lubing the chain with no stand is a pain, you have to spray the chain, roll the bike forward.. spray, roll forward.. but it can be done. I'm thinkin if an oil change needs to be done, then find a shop in the next major city, that shouldn't be too much of a hassle.

I had my stops to Calgary planned out like this: Toronto -> Sault Ste. Marie -> Thunder Bay -> Winnipeg -> Regina -> Calgary which is 5 days of riding, each day is around 600-700km I believe, so you could get to BC inside of a week, but not there and back unless you are a madman
I'll probably be doing the same, and then head out west next season. Exploring Ontario is a pretty great time.. anything North or East is pretty cool. Just go to the squigglies on the map:D

Have a look using Google maps in Terrain mode. Head along rivers, up and over mountains, and you are guaranteed to have a great ride on those squigglies. :D
Great thread. Gave me ideas for what to pack.

(funny with the Busa Bags on backwards too ;)
bump for usefulness.... I just had a re-read as I am planning a whack of longer range stuff for this year. Still haven't gone to Alberta/BC though :angry7:
Originally Posted by dontgiveajack
Perhaps, I'll take an Ontario tour this summer instead and save a lot of money until I'm more experienced. Any recommended routes?
I'll probably be doing the same, and then head out west next season. Exploring Ontario is a pretty great time.. anything North or East is pretty cool. Just go to the squigglies on the map

For both of you - your best intro is riding to Pennsylvania for 2-3 days....the roads are lovely, the accommodation is cheap.
4 hours and you are in mcycle heaven.
Base out of Paul's Motel and spend the time on 144/44 and local roads. There are lots of threads on it...just don't do a long weekend as borders are a pain then.

The other nice starter ride is Lake Placid.
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